Amending Chapter 74, Code of Ordinances, by enacting a new Article VII that establishes the City's comprehensive policy for the approval of new community improvement districts and existing community improvement districts; repealing Second Committee Substitute for Resolution No. 120605 and Resolution No. 130844; and setting an effective date of forty-five days after adoption of this ordinance.
WHEREAS, the Community Improvement District Act, Section 67.1401, RSMo., et seq., ("CID Act") allows property owners to voluntarily form a district in which certain taxes and special assessments are levied in return for local benefits; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is charged by the CID Act with conducting a public hearing for determining whether a lawfully petitioned community improvement district ("CID") should be established; and
WHEREAS, Second Committee Substitute for Resolution No. 120605 was adopted by the City Council on March 7, 2013, for the purpose of establishing the City's policy for approval of new CIDs; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 130844 was adopted on November 7, 2013, and amended said policy; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 200309 was adopted on April 30, 2020, and directed the City Manager to make recommendations to the City's existing CID policy to ensure existing policy adequately reflected Council's priorities and provided sufficient guidance to Council in approving new CIDs; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager engaged and surveyed community stakeholders and presented its recommendations to Council focusing on limiting the sales tax burden, reducing the use of single parcel CIDs, increasing the public benefit, and improving transparency and communication; and
WHEREAS, this ordinance reflects a comprehensive City CID policy that consolidates prior policy directives, recommendations from the audit released by t...
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