Reducing appropriations in the American Rescue Plan Fund by $1,000,000.00 and appropriating that amount from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the American Rescue Plan Fund to the contractual services account in the American Rescue Plan Fund: designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
WHEREAS, the City received Federal stimulus under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP) which can be allocated to improve housing; and
WHEREAS, the City allocated $15 million of ARP dollars to the ReBuild KC Grant program; and
WHEREAS, the City received more than 1,200 applications for assistance requesting more than $264 million in funding, including 141 applications for minor home repair; and
WHEREAS, these applications were reviewed by a comprehensive team of City staff; and
WHEREAS, after reviewing applications staff recommends that $1,000,000.00 be allocated to fund the Minor Home Repair Program, which can use existing processes to allocate and monitor needed home repairs; and
WHEREAS, these costs are eligible for fund under ARP guidelines using expenditure category, 2.18 Housing Support: Other Housing Assistance. The following data would need to be tracked to meet the requirements:
* Number of homes repaired
* Households that can remain in the same home once repairs are made
* Plumbing, electrical, roofs or other major repairs completed
* Number of homes made newly accessible to individuals with disabilities
* Homeowners must be current on their mortgage and all taxes; and
WHEREAS, an additional $1,000,000.00 in funding will make it possible to provide home repair service to all approved homeowner applications; and
WHEREAS, the additional funding will allow repairs which increases housing energy efficiency and energy conservation; and
WHEREAS, most of these home improvement services are critical to the resi...
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