Meeting Name: Transportation, Infrastructure and Operations Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/2/2022 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 26th Floor, Council Chamber
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Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
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File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
220187 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $1,096,511.00 Art Purchase Contract with Leo Villareal Studio, Inc., for the acquisition of the sculptural work tentatively titled “Fountain (KCI)” through the One Percent for Art Program at the KCI New Single Terminal project.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
220193 1  OrdinanceAppropriating $16,266,800.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Sewer Fund; authorizing a $14,788,000.00 construction contract with MegaKC Corporation, for the Birmingham Headworks and Electrical Improvements project; authorizing a maximum expenditure of $16,266,800.00; authorizing a $2,263,344.81 Amendment No. 2 to a design professional services contract with CDM Smith, Inc., for the Birmingham Headworks and Electrical Improvements project for a total contract amount of $4,426,344.81; and authorizing an extension of the term of the design professional services contract with CDM Smith, Inc., for an additional 2 years 9 months for a total term of 8 years 9 months.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
210994 1  OrdinanceAmending various sections of Chapter 18, “Building and Rehabilitation Code” for the purpose of establishing the contractor licensing category of journeyman electrician.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
220178 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute three Citywide Energy Performance Contracts (ESCO) with Honeywell International Inc., Schneider Electric S.E., and Willdan Group Inc. for Energy Service Companies (ESCO) services; and authorizing six successive one-year renewal options.Do PassPass Action details Not available
220179 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $500,000.00 professional services contract with Gould Evans Associates, Inc. to prepare a Strategic Implementation Plan for Transit Oriented Development along the Rapid Bus Transit Corridor of Prospect Avenue from 75th Street to 12th Street along Prospect Avenue to the Bus Transit Hub on Charlotte Street.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available