Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 8/26/2021 3:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
210734 1  ResolutionDeclaring the month of September 2021, to be National Suicide Prevention Month in Kansas City, Missouri.   Not available Not available
210753 1  Special ActionRecognizing the service and dedication of the Kansas City Pride Community Alliance.   Not available Not available
210593 1  OrdinanceProviding for submission to the qualified voters of the City for their approval at an election called for February 8, 2022, the question of authorizing the issuance of sanitary sewer revenue bonds of the City in the principal amount of $750,000,000.00 for the purpose of rehabilitating, improving and extending the sanitary sewer system of the City, including acquiring necessary land and rights of way, in order to provide for its continuing operation and to maintain compliance with federal, state and judicial requirements; directing the City Clerk to notify the responsible election authorities of this election; declaring the City’s intention to set rates; declaring the City’s intention to reimburse itself from revenue bond proceeds for bond related expenditures; recognizing this ordinance to have an accelerated effective; and establishing an effective date for the voter authorization.   Not available Not available
210656 1  OrdinanceAmending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the Kansas City, Missouri, Classification and Compensation Plan, by repealing Section 2-1076 and enacting in lieu thereof section of like number and subject matter to create a Community Engagement Coordinator in the City’s job classifications; and directing the City Manager to create a new job description that is specifically tailored for the job responsibilities of a Community Engagement Coordinator; and appropriating $45,801.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund for this purpose.   Not available Not available
200810 1  OrdinanceApproving the petition to establish the Health Sciences District Community Improvement District; establishing the Health Sciences District Community Improvement District generally located north of E. 25th Street, south of E. 22nd Street, and bounded by Gilham Road to the west and Troost Avenue to the east, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri; requiring the annual submission of certain records; and directing the City Clerk to report the creation of the District to the Missouri Department of Economic Development.   Not available Not available
210690 1  ResolutionApproving an amendment to the Greater Downtown Area Plan for an approximately 0.65 acre tract of land generally located at the southeast corner of W. 29th Street and Belleview by changing the recommended land use from residential urban low density to residential medium high land use designation. (CD-CPC-2021-00030)   Not available Not available
210730 1  ResolutionDirecting the City Manager to initiate a community needs assessment for the purpose of addressing the needs of the houseless population and those at risk of houselessness and report back to the City Council in 120 days.   Not available Not available
210731 1  ResolutionDirecting the City Manager to develop a comprehensive, collaborative local strategic plan for addressing the City’s unhoused housing needs with regards to houseless intervention and prevention and that incorporates the City’s community needs assessment for the houseless population and those at risk for houselessness; and report the strategic plan back to the City Council in 180 days.   Not available Not available
210706 1  OrdinanceApproving and authorizing settlement of a claim for a Workers' Compensation benefit filed by Rodney A. Murray, Sr. for injuries resulting from an accident on May 14, 2013, while employed by the City.   Not available Not available
210720 1  OrdinanceApproving and authorizing settlement of lawsuit entitled Jamison Dickey v. City of Kansas City, Case No. 2016-CV16176.   Not available Not available
210721 1  ResolutionApproving and authorizing settlement of lawsuit entitled Kale Black v. City of Kansas City, Case No. 2016-CV16191.   Not available Not available
210717 1  OrdinanceApproving the plat of Cadence Villas - Second Plat, an addition in Clay and Platte Counties, Missouri, on approximately 18.45 acres generally located on the east side of N. Platte Purchase Drive in-between N.W. 108th Street to the north and N.W. Tiffany Springs Parkway to the south, creating 62 lots and 1 tract for the purpose of constructing a 62-lot single family subdivision; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to record this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2021-00028)   Not available Not available
210728 1  OrdinanceApproving the plat of Lakes at Hunters Glen - Second Plat, an addition in Clay County, Missouri, on approximately 21.76 acres generally located east of N. Stark Avenue and north of N.E. Pawpaw Drive, creating 59 lots and 1 tract for the purpose of a 59 lot single family subdivision; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to record this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2021-00007)   Not available Not available
210704 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of General Services to execute a three-year lease agreement with one (1) two-year option to renew with Batliner Paper Stock Company, for the purpose of the use of a paved parking area, generally located on the south side of the Missouri River Levee and east of Olive Street, identified as Jackson County Parcel ID No. 12-640-03-02-00-0-00-000, Kansas City, Missouri 64108.   Not available Not available
210707 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $2,906,897.00 construction contract with Infinity Group, LLC, for the Waste Water Treatment Building - Blue River Annex - Bid #2 project; accepting the MBE/WBE goal calculations from the Civil Rights and Equal Opportunity Department; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $3,198,000.00.   Not available Not available
210709 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $2,051,598.85 contract with Ideker, Inc. for the Rehabilitate Taxiway A at CBW Downtown Airport project; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $2,256,758.85.   Not available Not available
210714 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $1,175,000.00 Art Purchase Contract with Superblue Miami LLC for the acquisition of the sculptural work “Fountain of Resonance” through the One Percent for Art Program at the KCI New Single Terminal project.   Not available Not available
210715 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $192,000.00 Art Purchase Contract with George Rodriguez LLC for the acquisition of the sculptural work “Let the Music Take You” through the One Percent for Art Program at the KCI New Single Terminal and Parking project.   Not available Not available
210716 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $475,000.00 Art Purchase Contract with Jill Anholt Studio Inc. for the acquisition of the sculptural work “Sky Prairie” through the One Percent for Art Program at the KCI New Single Terminal and Parking project.   Not available Not available
210718 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of General Services to execute a three-year lease agreement with one (1) two-year option to renew with A K Lee Construction, LLC, for the use of an office space at Robert J. Mohart Center, located at 3200 Wayne Room 123, Kansas City, Missouri 64108; and estimating revenue in the amount of $1,577.70 to the General Fund.   Not available Not available
210719 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $129,000.00 Amendment No. 3 with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly for the Design Airport Development at CBW Downtown Airport; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $141,900.00 to a total contract amount of $479,000.00.   Not available Not available
210673 1  OrdinanceDeclaring the area of land of about 0.65 acres generally located at the southeast corner of W. 29th Street and Belleview Avenue to be a blighted and insanitary area in need of redevelopment and rehabilitation pursuant to the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority Law; and approving the Urban Renewal Plan for the same, said plan to be known as The 29 Belle Urban Renewal Plan. (CD-CPC-2021-00085)   Not available Not available
210689 1  OrdinanceRezoning about 0.65 acres generally located at the southeast corner of W. 29th Street and Belleview Avenue from Districts R-2.5 and R-6 to District UR and approving a development plan to allow for a 9-unit residential townhouse development. (CD-CPC-2020-00186)   Not available Not available
210691 1  OrdinanceApproving the design of the proposed Three Light Skybridge and authorizing the issuance of an encroachment permit for the structure.   Not available Not available
210724 1  OrdinanceSuspending the requirement for an in-person meeting as set forth in Section 88-505-12 of the City Code until December 31, 2021, due to the COVID-19 virus; requiring applicants to continue to comply with the notification requirements contained in Section 88-505-12 and to include a copy of the application and contact information of the applicant or a representative of the applicant who can answer questions related to the application with the notice; and requiring applicants to offer to provide a meeting by telephone or video conference in lieu of an in-person meeting during a specific time and date that satisfies the requirements of Section 88-505-12.   Not available Not available
210725 1  OrdinanceAppropriating $44,542.48 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of Union Hill Special Business District Fund for operating expenses.   Not available Not available
210727 1  OrdinanceAppropriating $32,189.47 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of Westport Special Business District Fund for operating expenses.   Not available Not available
210733 1  ResolutionApproving the petition to establish the Vine Street Community Improvement District; establishing the Vine Street Community Improvement District generally located south of 18th Street, north of the rail road tracks, West of Highland Avenue, and east of The Paseo in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri; requiring the annual submission of certain records; directing the City Clerk to report the creation of the District to the Missouri Department of Economic Development; appropriating $1,800.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.   Not available Not available
210688 1  ResolutionDirecting the City Manager to issue a Request for Proposals for a nexus study to evaluate the implementation of linkage fees on development within the City for the purposes of funding workforce and affordable housing and to evaluate and develop a development linkage fee program within the City.   Not available Not available
210735 1  ResolutionApproving and authorizing settlement of a claim for a Workers' Compensation benefit filed by Sherwood Smith for injuries resulting from an accident on October 17, 2018, while employed by the City.   Not available Not available
210737 1  OrdinanceAppropriating $262,793.06 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Museum Levy Fund for the Kansas City Museum Foundation; and designating requisitioning authority.   Not available Not available
210756 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to identify $200,000.00 in funding for this fiscal year to be used to develop and implement a program to receive, store and safely dispose of weapons surrendered in Kansas City Municipal Court domestic violence cases and to report back to Council within 45 days with a plan for sustainable funding, development and implementation of this program that includes best practices from other jurisdictions.   Not available Not available
210758 1  OrdinanceApproving and authorizing settlement of the lawsuit entitled Marcus Greer v. City of Kansas City, Missouri, Case No. 2016-CV11216.   Not available Not available
210750 1  OrdinanceApproving the Twenty-First Amendment to the Shoal Creek Parkway Tax Increment Financing Plan; and directing the City Clerk to send a copy of this ordinance to Clay County.   Not available Not available
210757 1  OrdinanceAccepting and approving a grant award agreement in the amount of $720,826.00 with the Missouri Department of Health and Human Services to provide funding for COVID-19 response; estimating and appropriating $720,826.00 in the Health Grants Fund; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.   Not available Not available
210762 1  OrdinanceApproving the plat of Brooke Hills Third Plat, an addition in Clay County, Missouri, on approximately 19.29 acres generally located at 5801 N.E. 119th Street or south of the intersection of N.E. 119th Street and N. Wheeling Avenue, creating 58 lots for the purpose of creating a 58 lot single family subdivision; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to record this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2020-00034)   Not available Not available
210761 1  OrdinanceAppropriating $2,172,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund to be placed in the budget of the Kansas City Police Department for the purposes of holding up to a 104 person academy class for the 2021-22 fiscal year; designating requisitioning authority; and recognizing that this ordinance has an accelerated effective date as provided in the City Charter.   Not available Not available
210738 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $1,300,000.00 professional, specialized, or technical services contract with Pure Technologies U.S. Inc. d/b/a Wachs Water Services for the Water Valve and Hydrant Assessments, Mapping, and Data Management Program; and authorizing four successive one-year renewal options for a maximum expenditure of $6,500,000.00 without further City Council approval.   Not available Not available
210739 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing additional expenditures of $767,628.00 for a $853,699.00 design professional services contract Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 9265 with HNTB Corporation, for the 36-Inch Water Main Extension N.E. 64th Street and N. Brighton Avenue to N.E. Pleasant Valley Road Near Searcy Creek Parkway project for a total contract amount of $1,373,973.00.   Not available Not available
210748 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $300,000.00 Amendment No. 6 with Wellner Architects, Inc. for Airport Facilities Development at Kansas City International Airport and Charles B. Wheeler Downtown Airport for a total contract amount of $2,800,000.00; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $330,000.00.   Not available Not available
210751 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing an amendment to the construction manager at risk (CM@Risk) contract with KC Streetcar Constructors for the Kansas City Streetcar Main Street Extension Project to restructure the scope of the Phase 2 construction services into Phases 2A, advanced work packages, and 2B, construction services under FGMP; authorizing the expenditure up to $8,084,733.00 for Phase 2A; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.   Not available Not available
210752 1  OrdinanceEstimating revenue in the amount of $1,620,000.00 in the Capital Improvements Fund; appropriating that amount to the Capital Improvements Fund; and authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a $1,620,000.00 cooperative agreement with Kansas City Area Transportation Authority (“KCATA”) for Upgrade of Transportation Facilities.   Not available Not available
210736 1  CommunicationNotice to the Mayor and City Council from the Committee of Petitioners, 247 pages of a petition entitled: Petition for Recall of Eric Bunch, 4th District Council, received by the City Clerk on Saturday, August 21, 2021.   Not available Not available
210740 1  CommunicationJuly 2021 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210741 1  CommunicationJuly 2021 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210742 1  CommunicationJuly 2021 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210743 1  CommunicationAPRIL 2021 - Accepting and releasing various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance and release, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance and release in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210744 1  CommunicationApril 2021 - Accepting and releasing various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance and release, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance and release in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210745 1  CommunicationAPRIL 2021 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Platte County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210746 1  CommunicationFEBRUARY 2021 - Accepting and releasing various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance and release, and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance and release in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210747 1  CommunicationFEBRUARY 2021 - Accepting various easements and deeds in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri and requesting that the City Manager approve the acceptance and directing the City Clerk to file the acceptance in the office of the Recorder of Deeds.   Not available Not available
210749 1  ResolutionNotice of Intent to accept the Industrial Development contract proposal submitted by Tracks 215, LLC for the redevelopment of the Freight House Village Project in the Freight House PIEA Area.   Not available Not available
210754 1  CommunicationNotice to the City Clerk regarding the annual report for the 4840 Community Improvement District for fiscal year ending April 30, 2021.   Not available Not available
210755 1  CommunicationNotice to the City Clerk regarding the annual report for the Valley View Community Improvement District for fiscal year ending April 30, 2021.   Not available Not available
210759 1  CommunicationNotice to the City Clerk regarding the annual report for the Truman Road Community Improvement District for fiscal year ending April 30, 2021.   Not available Not available
210760 1  CommunicationNotice to the City Clerk regarding the annual report for the 39th Street Community Improvement District for fiscal year ending April 30, 2021.   Not available Not available
210763 1  CommunicationNotice to the City Clerk regarding the annual report for The Intercontinental Community Improvement District for fiscal year ending April 30, 2021.   Not available Not available
210764 2  OrdinanceAmending a previously approved UR Plan in District UR (Urban Redevelopment), which also serves as a preliminary plat to allow for amendment to the current approved uses and further subdivision of Lot 15, on about 43 acres, generally bounded by Chouteau Trafficway on the north, Chouteau Trafficway on the east, N.E. Vivion Road on the south (except the northeast corner of N.E. Vivion Road and N. Antioch Road) and N. Antioch Road on the west. (CD-CPC-2021-00098)   Not available Not available
210765 1  ResolutionAuthorizing the City Manager to execute an Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement with the Land Bank of Kansas City, Missouri to support and undertake administrative and operational staffing and other services on behalf of the Land Bank.   Not available Not available
210766 1  ResolutionAppropriating $300,000.00 in the Central City Economic Development Fund; supporting the Vineyard Neighborhood Association’s housing rehabilitation program to support eligible rehabilitation expenses for low to moderate income homeowners in the Vineyard Neighborhood; and authorizing the Director of Housing and Community Development Department to enter into a contract with the Vineyard Neighborhood Association.   Not available Not available