Meeting Name: Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/7/2024 10:00 AM Minutes status: Final-Revised  
Meeting location: 26th Floor, Council Chamber
***Please note earlier start time***
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
240128 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Estimating revenue in the amount of $12,064.00 in the General Fund; and authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a one-year lease agreement with two options to renew for one (1) year each with Parson & Associates, LLC, for the purpose of office space at 1780 Woodland Avenue, Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri 64108.Adv and Do Pass, Consent  Action details Not available
240129 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of the Law Department Approving and authorizing settlement of a claim for a Workers’ Compensation benefit filed by Jeremy Blake for injuries resulting from an accident on June 7, 2021, while employed by the City.Adv and Do Pass, Consent  Action details Not available
240130 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of the Law Department Approving and authorizing settlement of the lawsuit entitled Caitlin Mahr v. City of Kansas City, Missouri, Case No. 2216-CV23594, in the amount of $85,000.00.Adv and Do Pass, Consent  Action details Not available
240156 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager Reducing $3,900,000.00 of revenues and appropriations in Fund 3439, the Taxable Special Obligation Series 2020A Project Fund; establishing Fund No. 3451, the Taxable Special Obligation Series 2024C Project Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City; estimating revenues in the amount of $5,250,015.00 in Fund No. 3451, the Taxable Special Obligation Series 2024C Project Fund and appropriating the same for the purpose of financing the City’s contribution for parking facilities for the Midland Theatre apartments (“the Midland Residential Parking Grant”); designating requisitioning authority; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts upon completion; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Adv and Do Pass  Action details Not available
240158 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Fire Chief of Fire Department Authorizing the acceptance of a $82,000.00 grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security Fire Prevention and Safety (FPS) Grant Program and including a City match of $4,100.00, or five percent of the Federal contribution bringing the total cost of Federal and Non-federal funding to $86,100.00.00; estimating revenue in the amount of $82,000.00 in the General Grants Fund; appropriating $82,000.00 to the Fire Prevention and Safety (FPS) Grant Program account in the General Grants Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
240165 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw Amending Chapter 2, Article V, Division 20, Code of Ordinances, by enacting a new Section 2-692 entitled “Office of Language Access,” and directing the City Manager to submit amended budget proposals to fund such office, to report to Council within 90 days on the development of a comprehensive and equitable language access plan to guide the functions of this office and to engage with the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department to encourage the development of a corresponding plan and practices within its operations.Do Pass  Action details Not available
240046 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a $7,137,610 contract with Hope Faith-Homeless Assistance Campus to provide a non-congregate, low-barrier shelter facility to assist unsheltered families and individuals using previously-appropriated HOME ARP funds.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
240079 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a five (5) year amended and restated lease agreement, with one option to renew for five (5) additional years with Subway Real Estate, LLC, for the purpose of a restaurant at 327 E. 11th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106.Adv and Do Pass as Cmte Sub  Action details Not available
240031 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of the Parks and Recreation Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Appropriating $1,525,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Parks Sales Tax Fund, to fund construction of the Ashland Square Park Sprayground and the Bruce R. Watkins Connector Community Park.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available