Meeting Name: Neighborhood Planning and Development Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/28/2023 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: 26th Floor, Council Chamber
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
230542 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Housing and Community Development Department Estimating revenue and appropriating funds in the amount of $19,114.71 from 2015 HOME funding and $228,678.12 from 2016 HOME funding to the Home Investment Fund (HOME) to provide funding for projects that meet the HOME Grant requirements; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
230546 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of the Health Department Accepting and approving a one-year contract in the amount of $114,000.00 with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to provide funding for children and youth with special health care needs; and designating requisitioning authority.Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
230550 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager Accepting the recommendations of the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri as to the First Amendment to the Southpointe Tax Increment Financing Plan; and approving the First Amendment to the Southpoint Tax Increment Financing Plan.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
230552 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Amending Chapter 88, the Zoning and Development Code, by repealing Section 88-305-15, Accessory Dwelling Units, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter for the purpose of clarifying language and adding a maximum building height; repealing Section 88-315, Animal Service, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter for the purpose of adjusting separation requirements for said uses when adjacent to right-of-way; repealing Section 88-370, Temporary Uses, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter for the purpose of exempting temporary uses on property owned by any taxing jurisdiction, exempting temporary uses in nonresidential districts when located on properties with public/civic uses, hotel/motel, eating and drinking establishments, or with an approved plan allowing such events, clarifying and simplifying the list of authorized temporary uses, adding standards pertaining to all temporary uses, and requiring permits forAdv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
230556 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough Approving a Finding of Blight and the East Kansas City Urban Renewal Plan generally bounded by Cliff Drive on the north, I-435 on the east, Bannister Road on the south, and Troost Avenue on the west, including all those properties directly adjacent to the west side of Troost Avenue, pursuant to Land Clearance Redevelopment Authority Law. (CD-CPC-2023-00078)Adv and Do PassPass Action details Not available
230403 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Development Agreement with Cas-KC-neda, LLC for a project consisting of the acquisition, purchase, construction and development of a boutique hotel with approximately thirty-five units located at 1108-1110 Grand Ave.Hold on Agenda  Action details Not available
230496 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the second amended petition of the Westport Community Improvement District; amending the Westport Community Improvement District generally located at West 40th Street to the north, Broadway Boulevard to the east, Archibald Avenue, West 42nd Street, and West 42nd Terrace to the south, and Bridger Road and Southwest Trafficway to the west in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri; requiring the annual submission of certain records; and directing the City Clerk to report the amendment of the District to the Missouri Department of Economic Development and the Missouri State Auditor.Adv and Do Pass as Cmte SubPass Action details Not available
230506 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough Approving the amended petition of the 4840 Community Improvement District; amending the 4840 Community Improvement District generally located at 48th Street on the north between Roanoke Parkway on the east and Belleview Avenue on the west in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri; requiring the annual submission of certain records; and directing the City Clerk to report the amendment of the District to the Missouri Department of Economic Development and the Missouri State Auditor.Adv and Do Pass as Cmte SubPass Action details Not available
230522 1  ResolutionSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Hickman Mills Area Plan on about 29.6 acres generally located south of Longview Road and west of Raytown Road by changing the recommended land use from residential low density to office for the Smith Hale Middle School Adaptive Reuse. (CD-CPC-2023-00066)Hold off Agenda  Action details Not available
230525 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 29.6 acres generally located south of Longview Road and west of Raytown Road from District R-80 to District O-1 to allow the adaptive reuse of the former Smith-Hale Middle School. (CD-CPC-2023-00065)Hold off Agenda  Action details Not available