Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/24/2022 3:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Proposed Docket 3.3.2022, Council r Record 2.24.2022
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
220185 1  Special ActionDeclaring February 21-February 27, 2022, as National Eating Disorder Awareness Week throughout the City of Kansas City, Missouri.   Not available Not available
220176 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Appointing Ryan Hackenmiller, Christy Soeken, and M. Grant Harrison as successor directors to the 51st & Oak Community Improvement District.   Not available Not available
220166 1  OrdinanceAmending Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of the Kansas City, Missouri, Classification and Compensation Plan, by repealing Sections 2-1075, 2-1076, 2-1077, 2-1078, 2-1079 and 2-1080 and enacting in lieu thereof sections of like numbers and subject matter to complete a salary structure adjustment for all non-exempt and exempt job classifications and pay ranges not covered by a bargaining unit, to remove several job classifications, and to create several job classifications and rename several job classifications; relieving compression by providing a salary increase based on years of City service; exempting salary increases under this ordinance from the requirement to change anniversary dates, and establishing an effective date.   Not available Not available
220067 2  OrdinanceAuthorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a contract with the Kansas City, Missouri Homesteading Authority to utilize $700,000.00 from the Housing Trust Fund to rehab and renovate houses in the Kansas City, Missouri Homesteading Authority’s inventory for the purpose of providing permanent housing for houseless residents of the City.   Not available Not available
220110 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing a $21,045,305.53 construction Change Order No. 3 with Ideker, Inc., for Schedule 2 and continued work on the construction project Reconstruct Runway 1L-19R at KCI Airport; and authorizing a maximum expenditure of $23,100,055.10 for Schedule 2 construction, for a total contract amount of $44,785,108.11.   Not available Not available
220183 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to craft a Construction Workforce Incubator that will build career pathways within the construction industry, with a particular focus on reducing barriers faced by women and people of color; and to report back to Council on the program’s design and funding models by August 31, 2022.   Not available Not available
220169 2  OrdinanceApproving and authorizing settlement of a claim for a Workers' Compensation benefit filed by Aaron Osborne for injuries resulting from an accident on November 30, 2019, while employed by the City; and appropriating funds from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Workers’ Compensation Fund.   Not available Not available
220175 1  OrdinanceApproving and authorizing settlement of a claim for a Workers' Compensation benefit filed by Garth Dalton for injuries resulting from an accident on October 16, 2020 while employed by the City; and appropriating funds from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Workers’ Compensation Fund.   Not available Not available
220172 1  OrdinanceApproving the plat of Barry West Townhomes - First Plat, an addition in Platte County, Missouri, on approximately 31.062 acres generally located at the northeast. corner of N.W. Barry Road and N. Chariton Avenue, creating 11 lots and 6 tracts for the purpose of creating a multi-family subdivision; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to record this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2021-00044)   Not available Not available
220173 1  OrdinanceApproving the plat of Foley Industries 1st Plat, an addition in Jackson County, Missouri, on approximately 30.261 acres generally located on the south side of East 87th Street between Interstate-435 and Denver Avenue, creating 1 lot for the purpose of a 1 lot industrial subdivision; accepting various easements; and directing the City Clerk to record this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2021-00045)   Not available Not available
220174 1  OrdinanceApproving the plat of Mercier Heights, an addition in Jackson County, Missouri, on approximately 0.427 acres generally located on the east side of Mercier Street between W. 18th Street to the north and W. 20th Street to the south, creating 7 lots for the purpose of a 7 lot single family home subdivision; and directing the City Clerk to record this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2021-00033)   Not available Not available
220100 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a development agreement and real estate sales contract with Wise Owl Ventures, LLC for the sale of surplus City property located at 1811 Agnes and 3005 E. 18th Street in Kansas City, Missouri and provide a 90 Day period for negotiations.   Not available Not available
220180 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the issuance of General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 2022A, of the City of Kansas City, Missouri, in a principal amount not to exceed $150,000,000.00; prescribing the form and details of said bonds; providing for the levy and collection of an annual tax for the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on said bonds as they become due; authorizing certain other documents and actions in connection therewith; increasing and appropriating revenue in the amount of $83,585,638.00 in the GO Series 2022A Question 1 Bond Fund; increasing and appropriating revenue in the amount of $379,899.00 in the GO Series 2022A Question 2 Bond Fund; increasing and appropriating revenue in the amount of $480,808.00 in the GO Series 2022A Question 3 Bond Fund; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts upon completion; and declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the bond proceeds for certain expenditures; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.   Not available Not available
220155 1  OrdinanceApproving a major amendment to a development plan to allow for adjusted building height, revised entry drive, and adjustments to the rooftop amenity space to a multi-unit residential development in District B4-5 on about 1.5 acres generally located at 4600 Madison Avenue. (CD-CPC-2021-00203)   Not available Not available
220177 1  OrdinanceApproving a development plan in District UR (Urban Redevelopment) on about .691 acres generally located at 2701 and 2702 Troost Avenue to allow for two mixed-use structures to be developed on the subject site. (CD-CPC-2021-00199)   Not available Not available
220181 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of Health to execute a contract amendment in the amount of $367,382.46, for a total contract amount of $634,150.80, with Samuel U. Rodgers Health Center for COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing Clinics in Kansas City, Missouri; and authorizing the Director of Health to extend the term of the contracts or increase or decrease the total contract dollar amounts upon need and appropriation without further Council approval.   Not available Not available
210732 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the City Manager to enter into a City Parking Cooperation Agreement with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority; and authorizing the City Manager to terminate the Parking Agreement with the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority for the property generally located at 3rd and Grand.   Not available Not available
220182 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a design professional services agreement with Alfred Benesch & Company in the amount of $445,000.00 for the 2022 Citywide Biennial Bridge Inspection program in compliance with Federal mandate.   Not available Not available
220186 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Director of Finance to accept a proposal of Banc of America Public Capital Corp (“BAPCC”) to finance the acquisition of solid waste bulky item pickup vehicles (“Project”); estimating revenue and appropriating $1,565,000.00 in the 3230 Fund; authorizing the execution of any and all documents and agreements necessary for the financing; designating requisitioning authorities; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts upon completion; approving lease counsel in connection with the transaction; and declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the lease purchase proceeds for certain expenditures.   Not available Not available
220195 1  OrdinanceLevying taxes for Fiscal Year 2022-23 for the General Revenue, Health, General Debt and Interest, and Museum Special Revenue Funds on all property in Kansas City subject to taxation on January 1, 2022; providing for the extension of such levies by the Director of Finance; and authorizing the collection by the Director of Finance. *** THIS ORDINANCE WILL BE HELD UNTIL MARCH 23, 2022***   Not available Not available
220196 1  OrdinanceSetting the rates for the trafficway maintenance tax, the park and boulevard maintenance tax, and the boulevards and parkways front foot assessment at $0.00 for Fiscal Year 2022-23 in accordance with Section 68-582 of the Code of Ordinances *** THIS ORDINANCE WILL BE HELD UNTIL MARCH 23, 2022***   Not available Not available
220199 1  OrdinanceSubmitting the Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2022-23; establishing on the books of the City the Community Policing and Prevention Fund (Fund No. 1200); estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City’s records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter- fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter.   Not available Not available
220200 1  OrdinanceEstablishing Fund No. 3523, the General Obligation Series 2023A Question 1 Bond Fund in the records of the City of Kansas City, Missouri; estimating and appropriating $20,000,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Obligation Series 2023A Question 1 Bond Fund; designating requisitioning authority; declaring the intent of the City to reimburse itself from the bond proceeds for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts; and establishing the effective date of this ordinance.   Not available Not available
220201 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager to devise a feasibility assessment and a funding, implementation and operating plan for a pallet shelter home project for the houseless to be installed at the Municipal Farm and report back to the Council in 14 days.   Not available Not available
220188 1  OrdinanceVacating a portion of an alley in District UR (Urban Redevelopment) generally located north of E. 31st Street in between Gillham Road to the west and Cherry Street to the east, to allow for construction of 163 apartment units; and directing the City Clerk to record certain documents. (CD-ROW-2021-00031)   Not available Not available
220189 1  OrdinanceRezoning an area of approximately 0.5 acres generally located at 8708 N. Oak Trafficway from District R-1.5 to District B1-1 to allow for a coffee shop. (CD-CPC-2021-00248)   Not available Not available
220190 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Gashland Nashua Area Plan on about 0.5 acres generally located at 8708 N. Oak Trafficway from residential low density to mixed-use neighborhood. (CD-CPC-2022-00001)   Not available Not available
220191 1  ResolutionRESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Midtown/Plaza Area Plan on about 2.3 acres generally located on the west side of Bell Street in between W. 39th Street to the north and W. 40th Street to the south by changing the recommended land use from mixed-use neighborhood, medium density residential and high density residential to residential urban for the development of a multi-unit apartment building. (CD-CPC-2021-00183)   Not available Not available
220192 1  OrdinanceRezoning an area of about 2.3 acres generally located on the west side of Bell St in between W 39th St to the north and W 40th St to the south from District B3-2, R-2.5, and R-5 to District R-0.3 and approving a development plan that will also serve as a preliminary plat to allow for a multi-unit apartment building. (CD-CPC-2021-00181 & CD-CPC-2021-00184)   Not available Not available
220187 1  OrdinanceAuthorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $1,096,511.00 Art Purchase Contract with Leo Villareal Studio, Inc., for the acquisition of the sculptural work tentatively titled “Fountain (KCI)” through the One Percent for Art Program at the KCI New Single Terminal project.   Not available Not available
220193 1  OrdinanceAppropriating $16,266,800.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Sewer Fund; authorizing a $14,788,000.00 construction contract with MegaKC Corporation, for the Birmingham Headworks and Electrical Improvements project; authorizing a maximum expenditure of $16,266,800.00; authorizing a $2,263,344.81 Amendment No. 2 to a design professional services contract with CDM Smith, Inc., for the Birmingham Headworks and Electrical Improvements project for a total contract amount of $4,426,344.81; and authorizing an extension of the term of the design professional services contract with CDM Smith, Inc., for an additional 2 years 9 months for a total term of 8 years 9 months.   Not available Not available
220197 1  OrdinanceAmending Chapter 78, Code of Ordinances, entitled “Water” by repealing Sections 78-6, 78-8 and 78-10, and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter, that adjust charges for water service; and establishing an effective date.*** THIS ORDINANCE WILL BE HELD UNTIL MARCH 23, 2022***   Not available Not available
220198 1  OrdinanceAmending Chapter 60, Code of Ordinances, entitled Sewers and Sewage Disposal, by repealing Sections 60-2, 60-3, 60-191, 60-348, and 60-356 and enacting in lieu thereof new sections of like number and subject matter that adjust charges for sewer service and permit and monitoring fees and clarify the City’s responsibility for repairs to house service lines and service lateral and service lateral connection repair on public right-of-way or easements; and establishing an effective date.   Not available Not available
220202 1  OrdinanceDirecting the City Manager to issue a request for proposals to establish a contract for a one-year Missouri Nursing Home Worker Safety Curriculum & Pilot Program; setting the parameters of the Program; authorizing the Director of Health to enter into a contract with the Proposer who submits the best proposal; appropriating $300,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the General Fund; and designating requisitioning authority.   Not available Not available