Sponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department
Approving a development plan in District UR/DC-15 on about 0.63 acres generally located at 110 E. 3rd Street to allow for approximately 105 residential units, retail space, and associated amenities. (CD-CPC-2023-00071)
Section A. That a development plan in District UR/DC-15 (Urban Redevelopment/ Downtown Core) generally located at 110 E. 3rd Street, and more specifically described as follows:
TRACT 1. All of the easterly 60 feet of lot 72, measured at right angles to the northeasterly or alley line of lot 72, and all of the southeasterly 40 feet of the easterly 40 of lot 72, measured parallel to and at right angles to the northeasterly or alley line of lot 73, in block 7, on the plat of the town of Kansas, commonly called Old Town, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. All of lot 71, except the west 23 feet, in block 7, on the plat of the town of Kansas, commonly called Old Town, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. All of the east 57.5 feet of the west 82 feet of lot 72, block 7, on the plat of the town of Kansas, commonly called Old Town, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. Tract 2. All of lot 70, except the north 20 feet thereof, block 7, on the plat of the town of Kansas, commonly called Old Town, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. Tract 3. The west 24.5 feet of lot 72 and the south 40 feet of west 102 feet of lot 73 and the north 20 feet of lot 73, block 7, on the plat of the town of Kansas, commonly called Old Town, a subdivision of land in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri. Tract 4. The right-of-way owned by the Kansas City Southern Railway Company in the south 40 feet of lot 70, and in lots 71, 72, and 73, block 7, on the plat of the town of Kansas, commonly called Old Town, a su...
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