Sponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch
RESOLUTION - Honoring the entire staff of the Kansas City Aviation Department for their work over the past decade to deliver a new single terminal at Kansas City International Airport, creating a new front door to the Heart of America and opening an updated gateway to the world.
WHEREAS, the Aviation Department presented to hundreds of groups to receive feedback from residents and preview ways a new terminal would enhance the conveniences travelers expect at Kansas City International Airport; and
WHEREAS, the Aviation Department worked with numerous groups to ensure the new terminal would be at the very forefront of accessibility and inclusion; its project partners exceeded all goals for minority and women participation along with the workforce goals in the new terminal project, providing transformational change for the workforce of the city; and
WHEREAS, the Aviation Department and its project partners celebrated the start of the construction of the new single terminal with a groundbreaking event on March 25, 2019; and
WHEREAS, the Aviation Department and its project partners were successful in keeping the workforce safe and the jobsite active through the uncertainties of a global pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the Aviation Department relied on other City departments, including Finance, the City Manager’s office, Legal, Communications, Civil Rights & Equal Opportunity, Planning, Health, Regulated Industries, and General Services, to successfully move the project forward; and
WHEREAS, on February 28, 2023, the new terminal at Kansas City International Airport, the largest single infrastructure in the City’s history, opened on time and on budget; NOW, THEREFORE,
That the Mayor and Council hereby extend their appreciation to the Kansas City Aviation Department for their achievement in building a new single terminal at Kansas City International Airport; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to Patrick Klein, Director of Aviation, in token of the Mayor and Council’s thanks for the Aviation Department’s leadership, throughout the duration of the new terminal project.