Approving the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan of Census Tract 153 generally bounded by Interstate 670 and W. 25th Street to the north, Broadway Boulevard, Southwest Boulevard, and Summit Street/Southwest Trafficway to the east, W. 31st Street to the south, and certain railroad tracks and the Kansas-Missouri state line to the west, all in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri; declaring the area included in such plan to be a blighted area; authorizing certain tax abatements within the plan area; authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement in connection with the foregoing; and directing the City Clerk to transmit copies of this ordinance.
WHEREAS, Westside Redevelopment Corporation, submitted to the City, via the Kanas City Chapter 353 Advisory Board (the "Board"), an application for the approval of a development plan which contemplated the redevelopment of Census Tract 153 generally bounded by Interstate 670 and W. 25th Street to the north, Broadway Boulevard, Southwest Boulevard, and Summit Street/Southwest Trafficway to the east, W. 31st Street to the south, and certain railroad tracks and the Kansas-Missouri state line to the west (the "Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan"), which was prepared in accordance with Urban Redevelopment Corporations Law of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended (the "Act") and Chapter 74, Code of Ordinances ("Chapter 74"), with such redevelopment to be undertaken by Westside Redevelopment Corporation, an urban redevelopment corporation organized under and pursuant to the Act; and
WHEREAS, the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan provides blight remediation, including remediation of nuisance and deteriorated property conditions, as well as a decrease in tax delinquency, while providing property tax relief to homeowners in a key area of the City where property tax increases over recent years threaten to displace local taxpaying homeowners; and
WHEREAS, the area covered by the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan has a substantial low-income population (greater than 20% of owner-occupants have incomes less than 45% of the Kansas City, Missouri median income), and the one-year increase in average assessed values from 2019 to 2020 for the owner-occupied homes in such area was greater than 100%; and
WHEREAS, review by the City Plan Commission was not required as implementation of the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan would not require any changes to the existing zoning and is otherwise in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, Westside Redevelopment Corporation has complied with all the requirements imposed upon it by the Act and Chapter 74, as adjusted by Ordinance No. 220662, authenticated as passed on August 11, 2022; and
WHEREAS, the Board held a public hearing on the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Board, after fully considering the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan and the documents submitted in connection therewith, transmitted its recommendation to the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan, as revised on September 29, 2022, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved subject to the execution of the development agreement authorized herein.
Section 2. That the area encompassed by the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan is a blighted area as defined by Section 353.020(2), RSMo, and the redevelopment thereof, pursuant to the approved Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan, is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, prosperity, health, safety, morals and welfare.
Section 3. That the City Manager is authorized to execute a redevelopment agreement for purposes of implementing the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan as he shall determine proper and in such form as he shall determine appropriate.
Section 4. That upon execution of the redevelopment agreement Westside Redevelopment Corporation is granted such tax abatements as are provided for in the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan.
Section 5. All development rights granted under this ordinance shall expire if Westside Redevelopment Corporation has not acquired at least a property in the Westside Owner-Occupant Residential Property Chapter 353 Development Plan area by December 31, 2025.
Section 6. That the City Clerk shall send a copy of this ordinance to the County Clerk and County Executive of Jackson County, Missouri.
Approved as to form and legality:
Emalea Black
Assistant City Attorney