Sponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett
Declaring a moratorium until July 16, 2025, on the approval of any zoning map amendments to a manufacturing (M) zoning district within the KCI Area Plan boundary during the KCI Area Plan update process.
WHEREAS, area plans provide a community-driven vision and provide guidance for decisions on topics such as land use and development, transportation, housing and neighborhoods, and economic development; and
WHEREAS, proper long-range planning serves to establish the preferred arrangement of land uses to facilitate the development of the city over time, protect residential neighborhoods, and support economic development; and
WHEREAS, the KCI Area Plan planning area is generally described as the municipal boundary of Kansas City, Missouri on the north; the municipal boundary of Kansas City, Missouri on the west; the municipal boundary of Kansas City Missouri east to Amity Avenue and then along Highway 152 on the south; and the Platte/Clay County boundary on the east; and
WHEREAS, the existing KCI Area Plan was adopted by the City Council on June 18, 2009, with the passage of Ordinance No. 090395 and intended to determine a future vision for the KCI Area that establishes a balance among the interests and needs of residents and businesses and guides development and improvements to offer a broader, more diverse range of residential and commercial opportunities; and
WHEREAS, the KCI Area Plan is now 15 years old; and
WHEREAS, conformance with adopted plans and planning policies is one factor considered in reviewing and making decisions on proposed zoning map amendments; and
WHEREAS, industrial development has the potential to create negative externalities on nearby residential neighborhoods in the form of increased truck traffic; noise, vibration or percussion; dust, smoke, or particulate matter; or other detrimental impacts; NOW, THEREFORE,
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