Sponsor: Director of Finance Department
Adopting Annual Budget of the City for the Fiscal Year 2025-26; estimating the revenues for the fiscal year; appropriating for the purposes stated the sums set forth in the budget; directing the Director of Finance to make the necessary entries upon the City's records to show the appropriations and allocations provided for; authorizing inter-fund loans; and electing to establish a budget adoption deadline pursuant to Section 805(i) of the City Charter.
WHEREAS, Section 805 of the City Charter requires the City Council to adopt an annual budget and, as adopted, the budget constitutes an appropriation of the amount for the purposes stated as the appropriation and authorization of the amount to be raised by taxation for the purposes of the City, plus any unencumbered balance from previous years;
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed this budget and held public hearings; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the detailed estimated revenues of the City for the ensuing Fiscal Year 2025-26 are as set forth in said budget in Schedules VIII, IX, X, XI, XII and XIII.
Section 2. That by adoption of said annual budget, there are hereby appropriated for the purposes stated herein the sums set forth in Schedules II, III, IV and V. The sums hereby appropriated are set out in detail in Schedules IX, X, XI, XII and XIII, inclusive, by activity accounts, and the total sum appropriated for each such account is divided in the following classifications, as applicable, thereof, to-wit: (a) Personal Services, (b) Contractual Services, (c) Commodities, (e) Capital Outlay, (f) Pass Through Payments, and (g) Debt Service.
Section 3. That requisitions for encumbrances against and the payment of money out of the various appropriations described in this ordinance shall be made by those officers and employees of the City and by those p...
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