Directing the City Manager to develop and prepare Phase Two of the 18th and Vine area improvement plan utilizing $10 million of public financing and to report back to the City Council within 30 days.
WHEREAS, the 18th and Vine Historic District is a valuable part of the City's cultural fabric and the City remains committed to its preservation and enhancement; and
WHEREAS, the City Council strongly supports ongoing efforts to make the 18th and Vine Historic District a successful commercial and residential destination and attraction; and
WHEREAS, the improvements are essential to the economic vitality of the 18th and Vine Historic District, and the City as a whole, and will result in job creation and revenue growth; and
WHEREAS, Committee Substitute for Resolution No. 151068 directed the City Manager to develop a plan to fund various improvements to the 18th and Vine Historic District; and
WHEREAS, after engaging with stakeholders in the 18th and Vine area, the City Council approved Phase One of the Plan with Ordinance No. 160431; and
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 160431 provided that Phases Two and Three of the plan would be funded at a future date with an additional $20,111.267.00 of City funds; and
WHEREAS, the $7,000,000.00 of financing contemplated in Phase One has been exhausted; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to move forward with the next Phase of the 18th and Vine improvement; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the City Manager is directed to develop and prepare Phase Two of the Plan.
Section 2. That the financing for Phase Two shall include $10 Million of public funds.
Section 3. That the City Manager will report back to council and present this plan and proposed funding sources within 30 days of the effective date of this ordinance.
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