Sponsor: Director of Aviation Department
Authorizing the Director of Aviation to enter into contract with BYD Coach and Bus, LLC, for the purchase of seven all-electric shuttle buses in an amount not to exceed $4,820,382.00; authorizing the Director of Aviation to execute a contract with Metropolitan Energy Center, Inc., to accept and approve $732,800.00 grant funds from the U. S. Department of Energy through Metropolitan Energy Center, Inc., to support the purchase of four of the all-electric shuttle buses; estimating revenue in the amount of $732,800.00 in the Federal Stimulus Grants account; and appropriating $3,020,382.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Aviation Fund.
WHEREAS, this grant funding awarded to the Kansas City, Missouri Aviation Department (KCI) through this project is intended to support the purchase of four all-electric shuttle buses, which will provide zero-emission service to the airport's long-term parking lots. Under the terms of the grant, MEC will provide federal funds in the amount of $732,800.00 to help defray the cost of these buses, estimated at a total cost of $2,754,504.00. The remainder, or $2,021,704.00, must be provided by KCI via nonfederal sources; and
WHEREAS, the City during the course of normal vehicular fiscal replacement, being a conscientious fleet operator, intends to procure three additional all-electric shuttle buses at a cost of $2,065,878.00. This purchase of alternate fuel vehicles without grant assistance would aid in regional environmental pollution mitigation; and
WHEREAS, Kansas City adopted a Climate Protection Plan in 2008 that set initial targets and a timetable for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in conformance with then current thinking of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); and
WHEREAS, the City is engaged in implementing green and sustainable policies and programs to address the climate change...
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