Sponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas
Honoring victims and survivors of domestic violence and recognizing a national day of visibility on Thursday, October 20, 2022, in Kansas City, Missouri.
WHEREAS, in just one day nationwide, more than 75,000 victims of domestic violence need services. Domestic violence continues to be a profound and pervasive social and public health crisis, crossing lines of class, race, ethnicity, and sexuality. Each year, 10 million women and men in the U.S. experience domestic violence. There are many forms of domestic abuse which can be verbal, emotional and/or physical; and
WHEREAS, increased awareness and support would enable domestic violence victims and survivors to feel supported and heard with the added understanding that programs and services are available in their own communities and they are not alone; and
WHEREAS, by participating in Purple Thursday, we are also a visible representation to those in our family, our friends, and in our networks who may need to know we are allies and a safe place to find the resources they need to reclaim their futures; and
WHEREAS, today, we also thank our Kansas City area domestic violence agencies for the comprehensive care they provide as they help victims and survivors navigate to a safe future; NOW, THEREFORE,
That the Mayor and Council hereby invite you to stand today on Purple Thursday with survivors, advocates, and fellow citizens, with a true sense of unity to end domestic violence and a visible reminder to survivors that there is help and there is hope; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to Kansas City Domestic Violence agencies with the Mayor and Council urging all citizens to stand with our community and communities across the country and not only mourn for those whose lives that were taken by domestic violence, but celebrate the tremendous strength of survivors and the progress victim advocates and services have made over the years.