RESOLUTION - Declaring a climate and ecological emergency threatening Kansas City and surrounding communities; encouraging participation in the development and implementation of the City’s Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan; directing the City Manager to review subsidy programs and include such programming in FY22-23; requiring future relevant plans and policies address ways to lessen the climate emergency; prioritizing solutions that limit greenhouse gas emissions; and including climate protection and resiliency goals in the City’s 2022 state and federal legislative priorities.
WHEREAS, climate change impacts that once seemed gradual are now clearly accelerating; it is no longer possible to incrementally adapt our status quo; and
WHEREAS, world leaders have recognized the urgent need to combat climate change by signing the Paris Agreement, to keep global warming “well below 2⁰C above pre-industrial levels” and to “pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5⁰C”; and
WHEREAS, the loss of life and damage caused by current global warming demonstrates that the Earth is already too hot for safety and has resulted in the increased frequency and intensity of wildfires, floods, sea level rise, disease, drought, and extreme weather; and
WHEREAS, systemic racial, regional, social, environmental, and economic crises are intensified by climate change, pollution, environmental degradation, and use of fossil fuels. These impacts disproportionately affect indigenous communities, communities of color, migrant communities, depopulated rural communities, individuals and families earning low-income, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (frontline and vulnerable communities); and
WHEREAS, the scope and scale of action necessary to stabilize the climate and achieve ecological balance will require unprecedented levels of public awareness, engagement, and deliberation to develop and implement just, effective, and equitable policies to address the climate emergency; and
WHEREAS, the root causes of the climate crisis are inextricably linked to an ecological crisis; and that these twin crises are primarily caused by the destruction of natural habitat, overconsumption of natural resources, and degradation of natural systems through pollution and waste. The reversal of these crises will require unprecedented cooperation and transformation of both urban and rural land use systems, agricultural, and industrial practices; and
WHEREAS, Kansas City adopted a Climate Protection Plan in 2008 that set initial targets and a timetable for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in conformance with then current thinking of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC); and
WHEREAS, the City Council of Kansas City has adopted, in addition to the 2008 Climate Protection Plan, a number of ordinances and resolutions over time to address climate impacts including 070830, 071216, 080091, 080543, 080736, 080754, 090461, 100245, 110235, 110245, 150299, 150965, 170484, 170586, 170949, 180475, 181000, 190233, 190475, 190760, 200005, 200143, 200396, and 200719; and
WHEREAS, the City is engaged in implementing green and sustainable policies and programs to address the climate change emergency including but not limited to: converting streetlights to LED lamps; adopting a policy for zero emissions vehicles for the city fleet; studying the feasibility of a solar farm at the airport; preparing to adopt the most advanced energy codes; adopting a new administrative regulation with a policy to protect and promote the tree canopy and the Urban Forest Master Plan; preparing to adopt a telework policy; revitalizing the City’s recycling program; implementing extensive green infrastructure applications; and revising its existing Climate Protection Plan adopted in 2008; and
WHEREAS, City Council has established, pursuant to Resolution No. 200005, aggressive new carbon reduction and climate goals that shall be revisited annually to ensure alignment with current IPCC and United Nations (UN) science-based targets and recommendations; and
WHEREAS, the City has undertaken to revise and replace the 2008 Climate Protection Plan by developing a new Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan (CPRP) that is equity focused and grounded in the targets detailed in Resolution No. 200005; and
WHEREAS, over 150 cities and counties across the USA have, by legislative action, specifically declared the existence of a climate emergency. For 2021 and beyond, the full engagement of elected officials, staff, and citizens in the examination of how to regenerate a constructive ecology in Kansas City is imperative. In order to realize a viable future, we must find and share a fresh and inclusive vision of quality of life; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the City declares that a climate and ecological emergency threatens our city, region, state, nation, civilization, humanity, and the natural world.
Section 2. That the City commits to keeping the concerns of vulnerable communities central to all climate program planning processes and to invite and encourage such communities to actively participate in the development and implementation of the City’s Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan.
Section 3. That the ongoing Climate Protection and Resiliency Planning process requires full engagement of elected officials, staff, citizens, businesses, non-profit organizations, and institutions in the examination of how to create regenerative solutions across our human, ecological, and economical systems in Kansas City.
Section 4. That the City commits to working with local, state, and federal governments to advocate for just and equitable solutions to the climate crisis that centers the health and well-being of all in our community, and especially those most impacted by climate change.
Section 5. That the City Manager and relevant staff are directed to review and share with the Council state and federal grant, subsidy, and other funding programs that can support efforts by the city, residents, and businesses to address climate change in our community and strive to secure funding in Fiscal Year 22-23.
Section 6. That henceforth the City will require that all future relevant plans, policies, and other initiatives incorporate the goals of the Climate Protection and Resiliency Plan and consider ways to reduce climate impacts on Kansas Citians
Section 7. That the City will examine ways to prioritize support and funding for projects and initiatives in Kansas City based on their scaled impact on greenhouse gas emissions and ability to enhance the health and well-being of residents.
Section 8. That the City will include its climate protection and resiliency goals in its 2022 state and federal legislative priorities.
Section 9. That the City will regularly evaluate and, as needed, update the goals established in Resolution No. 200005 and the Climate Protection & Resiliency Plan to assess their adequacy to protect the health and well-being of City residents, informed by the best available science and recommendations from leading experts, including the IPCC Assessment Reports.
Section 10. That the City urges utility companies serving the community to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions in their energy production in a time-frame that corresponds to that identified in Resolution No. 200005.
Section 11. That the City supports the federal commitment to address climate issues on a global stage, and the current administration’s efforts to include funding for clean energy in the infrastructure bill.
Section 12. That the City encourages other cities throughout the region, state, nation, and world to likewise issue a declaration acknowledging the climate and ecological emergency we face and take all appropriate action to address it.