Sponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough
RESOLUTION - Adopting an annual budget development schedule to guide the City through the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Budget for the City of Kansas City and directing the City Manager to review related City code provisions and provide recommendations.
WHEREAS the City Charter provides the general parameters for the process that leads to the submittal and adoption of the annual budget and associated schedules of appropriations for the City; and
WHEREAS, as a logical outcome of the Citywide Business Plan (CWBP) development and approval process, the City has made Priority Based Budgeting (PBB) the policy of the City and desires the incorporation of the PBB policy at every stage of budgetary development and debate; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager’s staff has developed a budget development and process calendar designed to help implement the City Council’s PBB policy that has guided their work since this past summer; and
WHEREAS, Charter adherence, good governance, and sound budgeting practices necessitate not only the setting of expectations for City administrative staff relative to budget development, but the setting of expectations for the Council and its members in order to complete this most important function of local government; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the budget development schedule developed by the City Manager’s staff and finds it sufficient, transparent, and fair to all interested parties who have a role in budget development, presentiment, the provision of public input, and adoption; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to formally adopt this calendar to guide administrative staff and the City Council from the effective date of this resolution through the adoption of the annual budget and attendant post adoption actions; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. The City Council adopts the document entitled Fiscal Year 2025-26 (May 1, 2025 - April 30, 2026) Budget Calendar, attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, and calls on all administrative and legislative employees and officers to materially comply with the proposed schedule.
Section 2. Directing the City Manager to review Section 2-52 of the City’s Code of Ordinances; provide recommendations on the advisability of amending such section to account for the CWBP process, PBB policy implementation, and establishing a requirement for the City Council to adopt a schedule similar to that adopted in Section 1 on an annual basis; and to propose, prior to May 1, 2025, amendments to the Code consistent with his review and recommendations.