Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Patterson-Hazley
Amending Chapter 2, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Boards, Commissions and Committees," by repealing Division 19, “Kansas City Youth Commission,” consisting of Sections 2-970.30 through 2-970.35, in its entirety and enacting new Divisions 24, 25 and 26, "“Kansas City Youth Commission,” “Kansas City Young Adult Commission,” and "KC Futures Commission,” respectively, consisting of Sections 2-970.75 through 2-970.95 to formally establish new youth and young adult advisory committees, to advise the City on matters directly relating to or significantly impacting young adults and youth; reducing appropriations of $40,000.00 in the Violence Prevention Fund and appropriating that same amount in the Violence Prevention Fund to the KC Futures Office for the functioning of the KC Youth and Adult Commissions; and repealing Resolution No. 211042 that created the Kansas City Young Adult City Council.
WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 140086 established the “Kansas City Youth Commission” to serve as an advisory body to the mayor, city council and city manager on matters and city programs affecting the youth in the city; and
WHEREAS, Resolution No. 211042 established the “Kansas City Young Adult City Council,” consisting of members between the ages of 16 and 24 who are too old to be part of the Kansas City Youth Commission, to serve as advisory body to the mayor, city council and city manager on matters and city programs affecting the youth and young adults in the city; and
WHEREAS, Council is interested in reestablishing the Kansas City Youth Commission, creating a new Kansas City Young Adult Commission, and creating a new KC Futures Commission that will serve as a vehicle for a collaboration of both bodies; and
WHEREAS, there are issues relevant to both youth and young adults, and the KC Futures Commission offers an opportunity for both groups to collaborate where appropriate and necessary in order to best represent the interests of their prospective bodies; and
WHEREAS, recreation of these commissions eliminates the need for the Kansas City Young Adult Council established by Resolution No. 211042; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That Chapter 2, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances, entitled "Boards, Commissions and Committees," is hereby amended by repealing Division 19, “Kansas City Youth Commission,” consisting of Sections 2-970.30 through 2-970.35, in its entirety and enacting new Divisions 24, 25 and 26, "“Kansas City Youth Commission,” “Kansas City Young Adult Commission,” and "KC Futures Commission,” respectively, consisting of Sections 2-970.75 through 2-970.95, said sections to read as follows:
Sec. 2-970.75. Purpose.
The Kansas City Youth Commission will assist and support city leadership by serving as an advisory body to the mayor, city council, city manager and requesting departments on matters and city programs affecting youth in the city and making the city a better place for all in which to live. The commission may host, lead, or create events, projects, initiatives, and activities to the benefit of youth in the city.
Sec. 2-970.76. Establishment; membership; appointment of members; officers.
(a) Establishment. The Kansas City Youth Commission is hereby established.
(b) Appointments. The Kansas City Youth Commission shall be composed of 13 members appointed by the mayor. One appointee will serve as the chairperson of the commission and they shall be appointed by the mayor. Each council office shall nominate one individual from their district. The appointee must not be an immediate family member of the appointing council person. One appointee will serve as the vice-chair of the commission and shall be selected by the mayor pro tem from among the 12 appointees.
(c) Membership. Members shall be residents between the ages of 13 and 18 from throughout the city. An individual who is 18 and will have a birthday within six months of their appointment is not eligible to be appointed to the commission. Houseless students may use their school address for residency verification. A member who has reached the age of 19 during their term may finish out the remainder of their term.
(d) Chair. The mayor shall appoint the Chair. The chairperson of the commission shall be between the ages of 16 and 18. The chairperson must have served one previous year on the commission prior to being appointed chairperson, with the exception of the inaugural chairperson. In the event of the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chair shall preside over that particular meeting.
(e) Vice-Chair. The mayor pro tem shall appoint the vice-chair from among the 13 members. The vice-chair of the commission shall be between the ages of 16 and 18. The vice-chair must have served one previous year on the commission prior to being appointed vice-chair, with exception to the inaugural vice-chair. The chairperson shall preside over commission meetings. In the event of the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chair shall preside over that particular meeting.
Sec. 2-970.77. Terms; vacancies.
(a) Terms. Each member shall be appointed for a two-year term. The terms shall be staggered. To effectuate an initial staggering of terms, less than half of the initial appointments shall be for one year, while the remainder shall be for two years.
(b) Absences/Vacancies. Three absences in a row from meetings shall be deemed to be a resignation from the commission. The mayor may appoint a member to complete the remaining term of any vacant position, with the respective Councilmember nominating the new member to complete the remaining term of the vacant position from their district. The mayor may appoint a member to complete the remaining term of a chairperson. The mayor may appoint a member to complete the remaining term of a vice-chair upon a nomination from the mayor pro tem. If a position is vacant for more than 30 days, the commissioners can appoint a new member to complete the remainder of the term. This appointment is to be confirmed by Council resolution.
Sec. 2-970.78. Meetings; rules and procedures.
The commission will meet no less than monthly. The commission has the power to adopt bylaws governing its own procedures and fixing the time and place of its meetings. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
Sec. 2-970.79. Staff support; finances.
The Health Department shall commit the services of one full-time employee to serve as staff and administrative support for the “KC Futures Commission Office”, including management of the budget for the functioning of the commissions. The Health Department shall include funds for the commission in its annual budget request, in consultation with the KC Futures Commission members.
Sec. 2-970.80. Annual report.
The commission shall provide an annual report to the mayor, city council and city manager on its activities and recommendations on matters and city programs affecting the youth in the city.
Sec. 2-970.81. Membership on the KC Futures Commission.
All active commission members shall also serve members of the KC Futures Commission.
Sec. 2-970.82. Reserved.
Sec. 2-970.83. Purpose.
The Kansas City Young Adult Commission will assist and support city leadership by serving as an advisory body to the mayor, city council, city manager and requesting departments on matters and city programs affecting young adults in the city and making the city a better place for all in which to live. The commission may host, lead, or create events, projects, initiatives, and activities to the benefit of young adults in the city.
Sec. 2-970.84. Establishment; membership; appointment of members; officers.
(a) Establishment. The Kansas City Young Adult Commission is hereby established.
(b) Appointments. The Kansas City Young Adult Commission shall be composed of 13 members appointed by the mayor. One appointee will serve as the chairperson of the commission and they shall be appointed by the mayor. Each council office shall nominate one individual from their district. The appointee must not be an immediate family member of the appointing council person. One appointee will serve as the vice-chair of the commission and shall be selected by the mayor pro tem from among the 12 appointees.
(c) Membership. Members shall be residents between the ages of 19 and 24 from throughout the city. Houseless members may use a school address or the address of a shelter or social services agency in which they are a client for residency verification. An individual who is 24 and will have a birthday within six months of their appointment is not eligible to be appointed to the commission. A member who has reached the age of 25 during their term may finish out the remainder of their term.
(d) Chair. The chairperson of the commission shall be between the ages of 19 and 24. The chairperson must have served one previous year on the commission prior to being appointed chairperson, with the exception of the inaugural chairperson. The chairperson shall preside over commission meetings. In the event of the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chair shall preside over that particular meeting.
(e) Vice-Chair. The mayor pro tem shall appoint the vice-chair from among the 13 members. The vice-chair of the commission shall be between the ages of 19 and 24. The vice-chair must have served one previous year on the commission prior to being appointed vice-chair, with exception to the inaugural vice-chair. The chairperson shall preside over commission meetings. In the event of the absence of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson shall preside over that particular meeting.
Sec. 2-970.85. Terms; Vacancies.
(a) Terms. Each member shall be appointed for a two-year term. The terms shall be staggered. To effectuate an initial staggering of terms, less than half of the initial appointments shall be for one year, while the remainder shall be for two years.
(b) Absences/Vacancies. Three absences in a row from meetings shall be deemed to be a resignation from the commission. The mayor may appoint a member to complete the remaining term of any vacant position, with the respective Councilmember nominating the new member to complete the remaining term of the vacant position from their district. The mayor may appoint a member to complete the remaining term of a chairperson. The mayor may appoint a member to complete the remaining term of a vice-chair upon a nomination from the mayor pro tem. If a position is vacant for more than 30 days, the commissioners can appoint a new member to complete the remainder of the term. This appointment is to be confirmed by Council resolution.
Sec. 2-970.86. Meetings; rules and procedures.
The commission will meet no less than monthly. The commission has the power to adopt bylaws governing its own procedures and fixing the time and place of its meetings. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
Sec. 2-970.87. Staff support; Finances.
The Health Department shall commit the services of one full-time employee to serve as staff and administrative support for the “KC Futures Commission Office”, including management of the commission’s budget for the functioning of the commissions. The Health Department shall include funds for the commission in its annual budget request, in consultation with the KC Futures Commission members.
Sec. 2-970.88. Annual report.
The commission shall provide an annual report to the mayor, city council and city manager on its activities and recommendations on matters and city programs affecting the young adults in the city.
Sec. 2-970.89. Membership on the KC Futures Commission.
All active commission members shall also serve members of the KC Futures Commission.
Sec. 2-970.90. Reserved.
Sec. 2-970.91. Purpose.
The purpose of the KC Futures Commission is to provide an avenue of collaboration between the Kansas City Youth Commission and the Kansas City Young Adult Commission-both of which represent Kansas City’s youngest demographics--who may not be of age to vote, run for or hold public office, or both-to advise the mayor, city council, city manager and requesting departments on matters and programs affecting the youth and young adults in the city. The commission may host, lead, or create events, projects, initiatives, and activities to the benefit of youth and young adults in the city.
Sec. 2-970.92. Establishment; membership; chairpersons.
(a) Establishment. The KC Futures Commission is hereby established.
(b) Membership. All active members of the Kansas City Youth Commission and the Kansas City Young Adult Commission shall also serve as members of the KC Futures Commission during their terms.
(c) Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson. To serve as the chair or vice-chair of the commission, an individual must be either the current chair or interim chair of either the Kansas City Youth Commission or the Kansas City Young Adult Commission. The positions of chair and vice-chair shall rotate each fiscal year between the chairs of both the Kansas City Youth Commission or the Kansas City Young Adult Commission. These positions shall rotate so that on even-numbered years, the chair of the KC Futures Commission shall be the chair of the Young Adult Commission, and the vice-chair shall be the chair of the Youth Commission; on odd-numbered years, the chair of the KC Futures Commission will be the chair of the Youth Commission and the vice-chair will be the chair of the Young Adult Commission.
Sec. 2-970.93. Meetings; rules and procedures.
The commission will meet no less than quarterly. The commission has the power to adopt bylaw or rules governing its own procedures and fixing the time and place of its meetings. All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the Missouri Sunshine Law.
Sec. 2-970.94. Annual Report.
The commission shall provide a collaborative annual report to the mayor, city council and city manager on its activities and recommendations on matters and city programs commonly affecting both youth and young adults in the city.
Sec. 2-970.95. Staff Support; Finances.
(a) KC Futures Office. The Health Department shall commit the services of one full-time employee to serve as staff and administrative support for the “KC Futures Office”, including management of the budget for the functioning of the commissions. The Health Department shall include funds for the commission in its annual budget request in consultation with the KC Futures Commission members.
(b) Oversight Councilmember. Via a consensus of city councilmembers, a city councilmember shall serve as a direct advisor to the commission for a four-year period, with the exception of the inaugural commission. The oversight councilmember will advise on all matters relating to the City by providing guidance and consultation to the commission, and ensuring the commission operates purposefully in accordance with the bylaws, city regulation, and city staff expectations. The oversight councilmember also serves as a key contact point for the commission. The oversight councilmember is not a voting member of the commission. This designation is to be included in the council resolution seating the commissions.
Secs. 2-970.96-2-970.99. Reserved.
Section 2. That the appropriation in the following account of the Violence Prevention Fund is reduced by the following amount:
24-2000-501905-B Blueprint for Violence $40,000.00
Section 3. That the sum of $40,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Violence Prevention Fund to the following account to provide $40,000.00 each to the Kansas City Futures Commission Office to support the affairs of the Kansas City Youth Commission and the Kansas City Young Adult Commission. Future budgets are subject to approval by City Council:
24-2000-501911-B KC Futures Commission $40,000.00
Section 4. The Director of Health is hereby designated as requisitioning authority for Account No. 24-2000-501911.
Section 5. Repealing Resolution No. 211042 that created the Kansas City Young Adult City Council in its entirety.
I hereby certify that there is a balance, otherwise unencumbered, to the credit of the appropriation to which the foregoing expenditure is to be charged, and a cash balance, otherwise unencumbered, in the treasury, to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the obligation hereby incurred.
Tammy L. Queen
Director of Finance
Approved as to form:
Joseph A. Guarino
Senior Associate City Attorney