Sponsor: Councilwoman Parks-Shaw
Declaring the month of September 2022 as National Suicide Prevention & Action Month and recognizing Hope for the Day and Youth Ambassadors for their support of mental health.
WHEREAS; with September being recognized as “Suicide Awareness Month,” the National Suicide Prevention & Action Month Proclamation was created to raise the visibility of mental health and proactive suicide prevention resources in our community. There is a need to start the conversation, destigmatize it, and help connect people with the appropriate support services; and
WHEREAS; according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (A.F.S.P.), suicide is the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages 10 and 34 with more than 48,000 people dying by suicide annually in the United States; and
WHEREAS; according to Hope For The Day (H.F.T.D.), with an average of 132 suicides completed daily and each one directly impacting 100 additional people, including friends, service members, family, social media connections, and neighbors we can safely assume everyone has been impacted by suicide.
WHEREAS; global organizations like Hope For The Day and local organizations like Youth Ambassadors serve on the front lines of a war that many refuse to discuss due to stigma; and
WHEREAS; Youth Ambassadors continues to strengthen its support of mental health by helping youth learn to recognize compromising health behaviors. Youth participate in a health class where personal thoughts are explored, and emotions are expressed through art and creative journal writing; and
WHEREAS; All Kansas City residents are encouraged to take time to understand mental health through education and recognize the importance to take care of our mental health while we take care of each other, especially our youth; NOW, THEREFORE,
That the Mayor and Council hereby declare the month of September 2022 as National Suicide Prevention & Action Month and places its full support behind those who work in the field of mental health, education, and law enforcement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to Hope for the Day and Youth Ambassadors with the recognition of the Mayor, Council, and all citizens of Kansas City for their commitment and service to all individuals.