Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson
Amending Chapter 38, Code of Ordinance, Civil Rights, by enacting a new Section 38-44, for the purpose of requiring the City Auditor to submit an annual report on practices related to women in the workplace, including key performance indicators, to the Human Rights Commission and City Council; and directing the City Manager to develop and implement an administrative regulation requiring department directors to provide information on practices related to women in their department.
WHEREAS, the Council desires to foster an equitable workplace for all employees; and
WHEREAS, the Council believes the City has a legitimate role in affirming the importance of women in the community and specifically in the workplace; and
WHEREAS, the Council desires to understand the role of women in the City as a workplace and identify opportunities for growth; NOW THEREFORE,
Section 1. That Chapter 38, Code of Ordinance of Kansas City, Missouri, is hereby amended by enacting a new Section 38-44, Required reporting to the Commission and City Council, to read as follows:
Sec. 38-44. Required reporting to the Commission and City Council
The City Auditor shall annually submit to the Human Rights Commission and the City Council a report on practices related to women in the workplace, including key performance indicators.
Section 2. That the City Manager is directed to develop and implement an administrative regulation requiring all department directors to provide information on practices related to women in their department to the City Auditor and is directed to develop a required form and content, including key performance indicators, for the annual departmental submissions. The key performance indicators shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Working in decision-making roles (Deputy-Director level or higher)
(1) Percentage of positions in decision-making roles which impact the department or City filled by women.
(2) Percentage of promotions to decision-making roles filled by women.
(b) Gender diversity
(1) Percentage of women currently working full-time in the department workforce.
(2) Percentage of women promoted to management or supervisory positions that regularly impact the safety of others.
(3) Percentage of women satisfied with opportunities for promotion.
(c) Culture of safety in the work setting
(1) Percentage of women involved in preventable accidents.
(2) Percentage of women involved in non-preventable accidents.
(3) Percentage of safety training attended by women.
Approved as to form:
Katherine Chandler
Assistant City Attorney