RESOLUTION - Directing the City Manager in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources to determine the appropriate grading and classification for the creation of two new classified positions, Neighborhood Engagement Specialist and Neighborhood Engagement Supervisor, to complete additional tasks necessary to create the positions; and directing the City Manager to submit to City Council within thirty days such recommendations for the creation of these positions within the City’s classified system.
WHEREAS, the City desires to refocus its code enforcement efforts to emphasize neighborhood outreach and education rather than pecuniary measures, and believes adding job classifications that will proactively engage residents and neighborhood groups is in the best interest of the citizens of Kansas City; and
WHEREAS, under Charter Section 906, the Director of Human Resources is responsible for maintaining the City’s classified system, which includes determining the appropriate grading and classification for any classified position within the City, conducting any necessary comparative study or other pertinent analysis concerning the fairness and adequacy of the City’s salary structure, and making salary recommendations for any such position or change in such structure, before the same may be submitted to City Council for approval; and
WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department has undertaken the above analyses to determine the appropriate grading, classification and salary for these proposed positions, but has not yet reached a final determination on these issues; and
WHEREAS, for any new job classification whose employees perform work of such a nature that they would be members of AFSCME Local 500, the City’s Collective Bargaining Agreement with AFSCME Local 500 requires that there be additional communications and an agreement reached on the same between the City and AFSCME Local 500, which has not yet occurred; NOW, THEREFORE,
Section 1. That the City Manager in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources are directed to determine the appropriate grading and classification for the creation of two new classified positions, Neighborhood Engagement Specialist and Neighborhood Engagement Supervisor, to complete any and all comparative studies or other analyses required by City Code and to satisfy any prerequisite City obligations under any collective bargaining agreement in order to create such positions and reach salary determinations for the same.
Section 2. That the City Manager is directed to submit to City Council within thirty days recommendations for the grading, classification and salaries that will allow Council to create the positions of Neighborhood Engagement Specialist and Neighborhood Engagement Supervisor within the City’s classified system.