Meeting Name: Council Agenda status: Final-Revised
Meeting date/time: 12/19/2024 2:00 PM Minutes status: Final-Revised  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
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Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
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File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
241084 1  Special ActionSponsor: Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw RESOLUTION - Honoring, celebrating, and recognizing Hakima Payne upon her retirement from Uzazi Village, Kansas City, Missouri.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
241087 1  Special ActionSponsor: Councilmember Darrell Curls RESOLUTION - Honoring Dalena Taylor on her retirement after 25 years and 4 months of dedicated service to the City of Kansas City with the Neighborhood Services Department serving the residents of City of Kansas City, Missouri.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
241097 1  Special ActionSponsor: Councilmember Johnathan Duncan RESOLUTION - Honoring Ursula Copeland on her retirement for her 24 years of dedicated service to the City of Kansas City with the Kansas City Health Department.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
241100 1  ResolutionSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas RESOLUTION - Honoring Mrs. Darcus Speed Gates for her remarkable singing career and for her continued generosity to Kansas City.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
241102 1  Special ActionSponsor: Councilmember Nathan Willett RESOLUTION - Honoring Kansas Citian Edward T. Matheny, Jr. for his contributions to our City, State, and Country.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
241069 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilmember Melissa Patterson Hazley COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION - Urging the United States Congress and the President to pass and sign legislation creating a National Infrastructure Bank; and directing the City’s lobbyists to send copies of this Resolution to state and national leaders.Adopted as SubstitutedPass Action details Not available
240599 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Vacating an approximately 130 foot street in District R-7.5 zoning generally located on Fremont Avenue north of East 55th Terrace; and directing the City Clerk to record certain documents. (CD-ROW-2023-00053).Held off Docket  Action details Not available
241049 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Estimating revenue in the amount of $4,285.08 in the General Fund; and authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a one (1) year lease agreement with two options to renew for one (1) year each with The Kansas City Boys Choir for the purpose of office space in the Robert J. Mohart Center, located at 3200 Wayne Avenue, Rooms 219, 220, 221, 221A, Kansas City, Missouri 64109.PassedPass Action details Not available
241059 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager’s Office Accepting and approving the recommendation of the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri, as to the termination of the Summit Tax Increment Financing Plan and the termination of the designation of Redevelopment Project Areas 8, 9A, and 25 described therein; declaring as surplus those funds within the special allocation fund(s) established in connection with Redevelopment Project Areas 8, 9A, and 25; dissolving the special allocation fund(s) established in connection with Redevelopment Project Areas 8, 9A, and 25; authorizing the distribution of such surplus funds; and directing the City Clerk to send copies of this ordinance to Jackson County.PassedPass Action details Not available
241068 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Housing and Community Services Department Accepting the recommendation of the Central City Economic Development Tax Board for additional funding in the amount of $35,000.00; reducing an existing appropriation by $35,000.00; appropriating $35,000.00 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance; and authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute the necessary documents to amend the funding agreements and expend up to $35,000.00 from the funds appropriated in the Central City Economic Development Tax Fund.PassedPass Action details Not available
240695 2  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilperson Melissa Robinson COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Calling an election on April 8, 2025, for the purpose of renewing a one-quarter cent capital improvement - public safety sales tax for 20 years; setting forth the ballot language to be used; directing the City Clerk to provide notice of election; amending Chapter 68, Article VII, Code of Ordinances by enacting a new Section 68-447.5 contingent upon voter approval; directing the City Clerk to provide notice to the Director of Revenue if the sales tax question is passed by the voters; declaring the intent of the City Council to maintain the currently imposed capital improvement - public safety sales tax through its current expiration of June 30, 2026; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Passed as SubstitutedPass Action details Not available
241060 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager’s Office Approving the Fourth Amendment to the Union Hill Tax Increment Financing Plan; declaring surplus of certain PILOTS on deposit in the Special Allocation and remitting the same to the affected taxing jurisdictions; estimating and appropriating $4,589,700.00 for Union Hill Streetscape Improvements; authorizing the City Manager to execute a redevelopment agreement with the Tax Increment Financing Commission for the implementation of certain public infrastructure improvements contemplated by the Union Hill Tax Increment Financing Plan; and directing the Clerk to send a copy of this ordinance to Jackson County.PassedPass Action details Not available
241063 1  ResolutionSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas Amending Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, Administration, by repealing and replacing Sections 2-2151, 2-2152, 2-2153 and 2-2154, for the purpose of enhancing the film development program to better support the evolving needs of Kansas City's creative industry and align more directly with the state of Missouri's film incentive program.PassedPass Action details Not available
241071 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Mayor Quinton Lucas COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Amending Chapter 2, Code of Ordinances, by repealing Section 2-1954 entitled “Fund balance and reserve policy” and enacting in lieu thereof a section of like number and subject matter; and directing the City Manager to require compliance with City partner agency policies for all relevant City contracts entered into or renewed.Held on Docket  Action details Not available
241037 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Accepting and approving a $500,000.00 grant award from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, passed through from the Federal Treasury Department as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, to fund the installation of flood warning sites and telemetry systems, with various electronics instrumentation and sensors; estimating appropriating $500,000.00 in the Stormwater Fund; identifying funds for the grant match; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.PassedPass Action details Not available
241050 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Authorizing the purchase of approximately 8.223 acres of real property located at 5521 N.E. San Rafael Drive for parks purposes contingent upon approval of the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners; and authorizing acceptance of the deed to said property and an expenditure of $165,000.00 for the purchase.PassedPass Action details Not available
241051 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the application of Historic Northeast Lofts LLC (“HNEL”) for a loan from the Kansas City Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund in an amount not to exceed $7,575,000.00 and authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute the necessary loan documents and authorizing further acts.PassedPass Action details Not available
241052 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Wes Rogers Approving a development plan on about 10 acres in District B3-2 generally located at the northeast corner of N.W. 68th Street and Highway 169 to allow for a major amendment to an approved development plan to permit general motor vehicle repair. (CD-CPC-2024-00137)PassedPass Action details Not available
241055 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager’s Office Authorizing the Kansas City Tax Increment Financing Commission to surplus the funds remaining in the special allocation fund and the Winchester Housing Improvement Fund; authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contribution Agreement with the Economic Development Corporation of Kansas City for the purposes of funding the remaining projects selected under the Winchester Housing Improvement Program; estimating and appropriating surplus revenues in the amount of $187,500.00 for the purpose of funding two Winchester Housing Improvement Program projects ; and designating requisitioning authority.PassedPass Action details Not available
241066 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Rezoning an area of about 2.5 acres generally located at N.E. Barry Road and N. Indiana Avenue from District R-1.5 to District B2-2 and approving a development plan to allow for two commercial buildings. (CD-CPC-2024-00142 & CD-CPC-2024-00143)Passed as SubstitutedPass Action details Not available
241067 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Public Works Department Authorizing Amendment No. 2 in the amount of $291,769.00 to a design professional services agreement with Taliaferro & Browne, Inc. for Paseo Improvements from E. 17th Terrace to Overpass for KCT Railway, which is linked to the 18th Street Pedestrian Mall project, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,763,122.00; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.PassedPass Action details Not available
241070 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch Amending Chapter 88, the Zoning and Development Code by enacting a new Section 88-586, for the purpose of reviewing proposed demolitions of structures to determine if the structures have historical, architectural, cultural or urban design value to the City.PassedPass Action details Not available
241004 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager’s Office COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the City Manager to execute a pre-development agreement with Evergy, Inc., for the development of a solar photovoltaic project on Kansas City International Airport property and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.Assigned to Third Read Calendar as Substituted  Action details Not available
241085 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Estimating revenue in the amount of $1,042.48 in the General Fund; and authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a one (1) year lease agreement with two options to renew for one (1) year each with Giving Hope & Health, Inc. for the purpose of office space in the Robert J. Mohart Center, located at 3200 Wayne Avenue, Rooms 216 and 226, Kansas City, Missouri 64109.referred  Action details Not available
241086 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Estimating revenue in the amount of $8,008.16 in the General Fund; and authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a one (1) year lease agreement with two options to renew for one (1) year each with Greater Kansas City Coalition to End Homelessness for the purpose of office space in the Robert J. Mohart Center, located at 3200 Wayne Avenue, Rooms 201, 202, 202A, 203, 208, 209, and 210, Kansas City Missouri, 64109.referred  Action details Not available
241094 1  OrdinanceSponsor: City Manager’s Office Approving an Industrial Development Plan for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas City (together with its successors or assigns, the “Company”) for an industrial development project consisting of the purchase and installation of personal property to at the Company’s new office location (the “Project”) 1400 Baltimore Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri (the “Project Site”); authorizing and approving various agreements for the purpose of setting forth covenants, agreements and obligations of the City and Company; authorizing the issuance of taxable industrial revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $22,000,000.00; authorizing and approving other documents; and authorizing certain other actions in connection with the issuance of said bonds.referred  Action details Not available
241096 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Law Department Authorizing the City Attorney to execute a Cooperative Procurement Legal Services Contract with a joint team, consisting of the law firms Grant & Eisenhofer, P.A. and Seeger Weiss LLP, (collectively “Firms”), for the provision of legal services with respect to damages, compensation and other relief concerning per- and polyfluoroalkyl contamination (“PFAS”); and waiving the contract solicitation and award provisions.referred  Action details Not available
241098 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to execute a $2,000,000.00 contract with SFS Architecture, Inc. for design professional services for the KCPD Central Booking Facility project (EV3762); and authorizing the Manager of Procurement Services to amend the contract.referred  Action details Not available
241099 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilmember Andrea Bough RESOLUTION - Adopting an annual budget development schedule to guide the City through the adoption of the Fiscal Year 2025-2026 Budget for the City of Kansas City and directing the City Manager to review related City code provisions and provide recommendations.referred  Action details Not available
241077 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Health Department Accepting and approving a one-year $204,331.25 grant with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services that provides funding for the Maternal Child Health Services; estimating revenue in the amount of $204,331.25 in the Health Grants Fund; appropriating $204,331.25 from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Health Grants Fund; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
241081 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the plat of Brighton Plaza, an addition in Clay County, Missouri, on approximately four acres generally located at the southeast corner of Northeast Barry Road and North Brighton Avenue, creating two lots for the purpose of a commercial development; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2024-00023)referred  Action details Not available
241082 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the plat of Barry View Townhomes, an addition in Platte County, Missouri, on approximately 15 acres generally located between Northwest Milrey Drive and Northwest 83rd Street, creating seven lots and five tracts for the purpose of a residential development; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2024-00027)referred  Action details Not available
241083 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the plat of Tiffany Square, an addition in Platte County, Missouri, on approximately 3 acres generally located at the southwest corner of Northwest Old Tiffany Springs Road and North Ambassador Drive, creating 13 lots for the purposes of mixed use development; accepting various easements; establishing grades on public ways; authorizing the Director of City Planning and Development to execute and/or accept certain agreements; and directing the City Clerk to facilitate the recordation of this ordinance and attached documents. (CLD-FnPlat-2024-00003)referred  Action details Not available
241088 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 17.24 acres generally located at 11511 Holmes Road from District R-7.5 to District MPD and approving a development plan that will also serve as a preliminary plat to allow for approximately 174 residential units. (CD-CPC-2024-00134)referred  Action details Not available
241089 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Approving the petition to add property to the Metro North Crossing Community Improvement District, generally bounded by Northwest 88th Street on the north, Northwest Barry Road on the south, North Baltimore Avenue on the east, and North Summit Street on the west, in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri; and directing the City Clerk to report the amendment of the District to the Missouri Department of Economic Development and the Missouri State Auditor.referred  Action details Not available
241090 1  ResolutionSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Red Bridge Area Plan by amending the proposed Land Use Plan and Map from residential low density to residential medium density on about 13.43 acres for the parcels east of Holmes Road bounded between E. 115th Street on the north and E. 117th Street on the south, beginning at the east right-of-way line of Holmes Road and extending east 377 feet at E. 117th Street, 518 feet at the widest point, and 423 feet at E. 115th Street. (CD-CPC-2024-00133)referred  Action details Not available
241091 1  ResolutionSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department RESOLUTION - Approving an amendment to the Midtown/Plaza Area Plan on about 0.16 acres generally located on East 34th Street between Gillham Road and Holmes Street by changing the recommended land use from residential low density to mixed use neighborhood. (CD-CPC-2024-00162)referred  Action details Not available
241092 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Rezoning an area of about 0.16 acres generally located at East 34th Street between Gillham Road and Holmes Street from District R-1.5 to District B1-1 to allow for commercial uses. (CD-CPC-2024-00161)referred  Action details Not available
241093 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of City Planning and Development Department Amending Chapter 88, the Zoning and Development Code, by repealing Section 88-516-06, Amendments to Development Plans or Project Plans, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section of like number and subject matter for the purpose of expanding the types of amendments that can be approved administratively. (CD-CPC-2024-00140)referred  Action details Not available
241095 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Law Department Accepting an additional $10,685.00 for a 3-month extension from the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant funded, by the U.S. Department of Justice, and passed through the State of Missouri’s Department of Public Safety to support the work of the City’s Prosecutor’s Office; estimating and appropriating $10,685.00 in the General Grants Fund; authorizing the City Attorney to enter into a subaward grant agreement in connection with this grant; the Law Department is hereby designated requisitioning authority.referred  Action details Not available
241078 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $29,962,962.00 construction manager at risk Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 9737 with The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, for the Water Services Laboratory Remodel and Building Renovation CMAR project for a total contract amount of $30,012,962.00; authorizing a maximum expenditure of $33,000,000.00; authorizing a $1,450,000.00 design professional services contract Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. 9522 pursuant to Code of Ordinance Section 3-7(a)(3) specialized waivers for design professional services contracts with Finkle-Williams, Inc., for the Laboratory Facility Renovations and Modifications project for a total contract amount of $2,966,000.00; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
241079 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $6,905,104.00 progressive design-build Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 470 with Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc., for the Dr. Jeremiah Cameron Park and Westport Stormwater Improvements project for a total contract amount of $9,646,104.00; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
241080 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of Water Services Department Authorizing a $521,498.00 facility repair and maintenance contract with Millgoal Enterprises II, LLC, for Renewal No. 1 for the Green Infrastructure Landscape Maintenance project; authorizing three successive one-year renewals for Facility Repair and Maintenance contracts with further City Council approval; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.referred  Action details Not available
241101 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Director of General Services Department Authorizing the Director of General Services to execute a one-year contract amendment and lease amendment for Clean Energy CA Corporation to continue to operate, maintain, and repair a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Station at 5300 Municipal Avenue to sell CNG to the City, public and private fleets; and authorizing the Director of General Services to amend and extend the Amendment.referred  Action details Not available
241103 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilperson Kevin O’Neill RESOLUTION - Honoring Dr. Richard Gist on his retirement after 26 years and 2 months of dedicated service to the Kansas City Fire Department and the residents of the City of Kansas City.Move to AdvancePass Action details Not available
241103 1  ResolutionSponsor: Councilperson Kevin O’Neill RESOLUTION - Honoring Dr. Richard Gist on his retirement after 26 years and 2 months of dedicated service to the Kansas City Fire Department and the residents of the City of Kansas City.AdoptedPass Action details Not available
241104 1  OrdinanceSponsor: Councilperson Darrell Curls Approving a major amendment to an approved development plan that will also serve as a preliminary plat on about 70 acres in District M2-2 generally located at the northwest corner of E. 63rd Trafficway and I-435 to incorporate new phasing and building layout for the existing land reclamation, quarry, excavation, office, commercial, and warehouse development.. (CD-CPC-2024-00152)referred  Action details Not available
241075 1  CommunicationSponsor: Director of the Public Works Department Temporary Traffic Regulations 66492 through 66507received and filed  Action details Not available
241076 1  CommunicationNotice to the City Clerk a petition to add property to the Metro North Crossing Community Improvement District.received and filed  Action details Not available