File #: 240962    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/24/2024 In control: Finance, Governance and Public Safety Committee
On agenda: 10/29/2024 Final action: 10/31/2024
Title: Sponsor(s): Councilwoman Melissa Patterson Hazley and Mayor Quinton Lucas COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Authorizing the City Manager to execute a project development agreement and related agreements necessary and consistent with this ordinance with Grayson Capital, LLC or an affiliated entity for the design and construction of a parking garage to serve the 18th and Vine district, Project No. 07VGARAG; authorizing expenditures related to Project No. 07VGARAG; authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a lease for 117 parking stalls; and recognizing an accelerated effective date.
Sponsors: Melissa Patterson Hazley, Quinton Lucas, Melissa Robinson
Attachments: 1. Docket Memo 240962 18th and Vine Garage 10.28.pdf, 2. 240962 CS TO ORG ORD - COM (002), 3. Authenticated Ordinance 240962 CS






Sponsor(s):  Councilwoman Melissa Patterson Hazley and Mayor Quinton Lucas



Authorizing the City Manager to execute a project development agreement and related agreements necessary and consistent with this ordinance with Grayson Capital, LLC or an affiliated entity for the design and construction of a parking garage to serve the 18th and Vine district, Project No. 07VGARAG; authorizing expenditures related to Project No. 07VGARAG; authorizing the City Manager to negotiate and execute a lease for 117 parking stalls; and recognizing an accelerated effective date.



WHEREAS, on April 18, 2024, the City Council adopted Committee Substitute for Ordinance No. 240346 directing the City Manager to identify City owned property that could facilitate transit-oriented development, including a parking facility, to service the 18th and Vine District; and


WHEREAS, said ordinance appropriated funds for the design and construction of said parking facility; and


WHEREAS, on July 12, 2024, the General Services Department issued an RFP for design build, design bid build, or construction manager-at-risk services for said parking garage; and


WHEREAS, responses to the RFP were received on August 15, 2024 and the selection committee recommended the proposal submitted by Grayson Capital, LLC for this project; and


WHEREAS, in addition to the public uses for the garage, Grayson Capital, LLC intends to lease 117 of the 460 stalls for a multi-family development; NOW THEREFORE,




Section 1. That the City Manager is authorized to execute a project development agreement and related agreements necessary and consistent with this ordinance with Grayson Capital, LLC or an affiliated entity, for the design and construction of a parking garage to serve the 18th and Vine district.


Section 2. That the City Manager is authorized to spend funds previously appropriated to the following account for this project:


AL-3453-075110-B-07VGARAG                  Vine District Transit-Oriented

                                                                                                                                       Development                                                     $20,000,000.00


Section 3. That the City Manager or his designee is authorized to negotiate and execute a 30-year lease agreement with two options to renew for an additional five years each with Grayson Capital, LLC or an affiliated entity for 117 of the parking stalls in said parking garage.


Section 4. That this ordinance, relating to the design, repair, maintenance or construction of a public improvement, is recognized as an ordinance with an accelerated effective date as provided by Section 503 (a)(3)(C) of the Charter and shall take effect in accordance with that section.




Approved as to form:




Abigail A. Judah

Assistant City Attorney