Sponsor: Councilperson Lindsay French
RESOLUTION - Honoring Leroy Stewart on his retirement after 24 years and 11 months of dedicated service to the City of Kansas City within both the Parks and Recreation and the Public Works Departments serving the residents of City of Kansas City, Missouri.
WHEREAS, Mr. Stewart started his career with the City of Kansas City in 2000 with Parks and Recreation drafting designs of playgrounds and other parks facilities. In 2005, he transitioned to the Public Works Department as Senior Engineering Technician within Street Preservation, lastly becoming a Principal Engineering Technician overseeing and managing Street Preservation field operations; and
WHEREAS, Leroy has also served a vital role in the residential snow removal program, being assigned a residential route every winter since the inception of the residential snow program prior to moving into the role of managing field operations; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Stewart, throughout his career, no matter if it was designing a playground or resurfacing streets, has always had the City’s best interests in mind, whether it was training new team members, helping current team members, assisting management, or making sure work being conducted follows City standards and specifications, he always strived to make a difference for the betterment of the City of Kansas City; and
WHEREAS, let it also be recognized while working for the City of Kansas City, Leroy had the honor of being a part of back to back record-breaking street resurfacing programs the last two fiscal years; and
WHEREAS, July 31, 2024, marks the last day of Leroy’s career with the Kansas City, Missouri Public Works Department and the City of Kansas City, Missouri; NOW, THEREFORE,
That the Mayor and Council hereby extend to Leroy Stewart, on the occasion of his retirement from Kansas City, Missouri Public Works Department, the heartiest best wishes for his future, together with appreciation for his nearly 25 years of dedicated service to the City of Kansas City, Missouri and the same years of service to the residents of Kansas City; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Council in testimony thereof and that a copy hereof be presented to Leroy Stewart in token of the Mayor and Council’s respect and high regard, and their best wishes for the long and happy retirement which he so richly deserves.