File #: 240648    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/25/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 7/30/2024 Final action: 8/1/2024
Title: Sponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch Estimating revenue in the amount of $3,591,162.50 in contributions from PortKC in the General Fund and appropriating a like transfer to the Capital Improvements Fund; estimating revenue in the Capital Improvements Fund and appropriating same to the Grand Avenue Bike/Pedestrian Bridge Project (the "Project"); estimating bond proceeds in the amount of $7,300,000.00 and appropriating same to the Project; approving a plan of finance for the Project; designating requisitioning authority; declaring the City's intent to reimburse itself for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts upon completion; and declaring this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
Sponsors: Eric Bunch
Attachments: 1. Docket Memo 240648, 2. Ordinance 240648 - Grand Blvd Bike Ped Bridge, 3. Authenticated Ordinance 240648
Related files: 241044

Sponsor: Councilmember Eric Bunch

Estimating revenue in the amount of $3,591,162.50 in contributions from PortKC in the General Fund and appropriating a like transfer to the Capital Improvements Fund; estimating revenue in the Capital Improvements Fund and appropriating same to the Grand Avenue Bike/Pedestrian Bridge Project (the "Project"); estimating bond proceeds in the amount of $7,300,000.00 and appropriating same to the Project; approving a plan of finance for the Project; designating requisitioning authority; declaring the City's intent to reimburse itself for certain expenditures; authorizing the Director of Finance to close project accounts upon completion; and declaring this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.

WHEREAS, the Grand Avenue Bike/Pedestrian Bridge Project (the "Project") consists of the construction of a bicycle and pedestrian bridge designed to complement the construction of the Riverfront Streetcar Extension by allowing for safe bicycle and pedestrian access to Berkley Riverfront Park at a total cost of $12.2 million; and

WHEREAS, the City approved Resolution No. 240336 which expressed support for grant funding for the Project which grant funding was ultimately not awarded; and

WHEREAS, the City Council appropriated $750,000.00 in FY21 and $1,750,000.00 in FY22 for the Project from the GOKC bond program, of which $1,361,275.79 remains unexpended and is available for the remaining costs of the Project; and

WHEREAS, the City desires to advance funds for the Project to align with the completion of the Riverfront Streetcar Extension project; and

WHEREAS, on May 14, 1993, the City and Port Authority of Kansas City ("Port KC") entered into the Kansas City Riverfront Lease Agreement, under which the City leased certain real property generally located between the Missouri River on the north, Front Street on the south, Broadway on the west and the property east o...

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