File #: 240522    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/28/2024 In control: Council
On agenda: 7/25/2024 Final action: 7/25/2024
Title: Sponsor: Director of Public Works Department COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE Accepting a United States Department of Transportation Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant in the amount of $1,058,620.00; estimating revenues in the amount of $1,058,620.00 in the Capital Improvements Grant Fund; appropriating that amount to the Reconnecting Kansas City Westside project; authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a design professional services agreement with WSP USA, Inc. in the amount of $1,299,437.51 for consulting services for the Reconnecting Kansas City Westside planning study; directing the City Clerk to file certain documents with the appropriate offices; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
Sponsors: Director of Public Works
Attachments: 1. Docket Memo, 2. Approved Goals, 3. Appropriation Transaction, 4. Grant Agreement, 5. Budget Overview, 6. Ordinance 240522-CUP Summary 89008968.pdf, 7. Ordinance_ 240522.pdf, 8. 240522_ReconnectWestside Presentation 7.22.2024, 9. Authenticated Ordinance 240522 cs, 10. 240522 cs to org ord-com, 11. 2410522 - Westside Contract 12.12.2024





Sponsor:  Director of Public Works Department



Accepting a United States Department of Transportation Reconnecting Communities Pilot Grant in the amount of $1,058,620.00; estimating revenues in the amount of $1,058,620.00 in the Capital Improvements Grant Fund; appropriating that amount to the Reconnecting Kansas City Westside project; authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute a design professional services agreement with WSP USA, Inc. in the amount of $1,299,437.51 for consulting services for the Reconnecting Kansas City Westside planning study; directing the City Clerk to file certain documents with the appropriate offices; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.



WHEREAS, the City was awarded a $1,058,620.00 grant from the US Department of Transportation as part of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program, Grant #693JJ32440004; and

WHEREAS, the City has appropriated $264,655.00 for the grant match through its complete streets program appropriated in FY2024 which will roll forward into FY2025; and


WHEREAS, the Reconnecting Communities Pilot program will produce a comprehensive plan that outlines the Westside communities’ vision and priorities to create new, safer, and additional mobility and connectivity and to redress the inequities and barriers to opportunities with respect to the I-35 Viaduct, Beardsley Road, and improving internal circulation throughout the Westside community; NOW THEREFORE,




Section 1. That the Director of Public Works, or his designee, is hereby authorized to accept a grant (#693JJ32440004) from the United States Department of Transportation for the purpose of concept development and planning activities in the amount of $1,058,620.00.  A copy of the Grant Agreement, identified as Funding Opportunity No. DOT-RCP-FY22-01, is on file in the Department of Public Works and is incorporated herein by reference.


Section 2. That revenue in the following account of the Capital Improvements Grant Fund is hereby estimated in the following amount:


25-3091-895114-478645-89008968                     WestsideNbhd Reconnect KC Stdy                                          $1,058,620.00


Section 3. That the sum of $1,058,620 is hereby appropriated from the Unappropriated Fund Balance of the Capital Improvements Grant Fund to the following account:


25-3091-895114-B-89008968                               WestsideNbhd Reconnect KC Stdy                                          $1,058,620.00


Section 4. That the Director of Public Works is authorized to execute a contract with WSP USA, Inc. for the consulting services for Project No 89008968 - Reconnecting Kansas City Westside - Planning Study in the amount of $1,299,437.51 from funds hereby and previously appropriated to the following accounts:


25-3091-895114-B-89008968                                           WestsideNbhd Reconnect KC Stdy                                          $1,039,550.01

25-3090-897086-B-89008968                                           WestsideNbhd Reconnect KC Stdy                                               259,887.50

TOTAL                                                                                    $1,299,437.51


A copy of the contract is on file in the office of the Director of Public Works.


Section 5. That the Director of Public Works is hereby designated as requisitioning authority for Account No 25-3091-895114-89008968.


Section 6. That the Civil Rights and Equal Opportunities Department, to assure fair representation by socially and economically disadvantaged groups, approved for this project, a twelve (12%) percent representation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprise.


Section 7. That the City Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of the ordinance, together with the Program Agreement attached hereto, and with the office of the Recorder of Deeds for Jackson County, Missouri.


Section 8.  That this ordinance, appropriates money, and is hereby recognized as an ordinance with an accelerated effective date as provided by Section 503(a)(3)(C) of the City Charter and shall take effect in according with Section 503, City Charter.





I hereby certify that there is a balance, otherwise unencumbered, to the credit of the appropriation to which the foregoing expenditure is to be charged, and a cash balance, otherwise unencumbered, in the treasury, to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the obligation hereby incurred.



Tammy L. Queen

Director of Finance


Approved as to form:




Dustin E. Johnson

Assistant City Attorney