Sponsor: Councilmember Melissa Robinson
Adopting and authorizing the execution of amendments to the 2021-2024 Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local No. 42, I.A.F.F. and to the 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement with Local No. 3808, I.A.F.F. and adopting side letter agreements to make such amendments that will increase retiree health insurance subsidy contributions by current members of the Firefighters' Pension System and by the City; reducing the Contingent Appropriation by $1,602,000.00 in the General Fund to increase the retiree health insurance subsidy contribution from the City to four percent from two percent; and recognizing this ordinance as having an accelerated effective date.
WHEREAS, the City, Local No. 42, I.A.F.F. and Local No. 3808, I.A.F.F. have met and discussed plans to better meet the needs of retirees; and
WHEREAS, the City by separate side letter agreements with Local No. 42, I.A.F.F. and Local No. 3808, I.A.F.F. agreed that the respective Collective Bargaining Agreements should be amended to increase retiree health insurance subsidy contributions by current members of the Firefighters' Pension System and by the City and that the necessary ordinance changes to effect such increase should thereby be made; and
WHEREAS, the City and Local No. 42, I.A.F.F. and Local No. 3808, I.A.F.F. have concluded that an increase to the retiree health insurance subsidy will provide the greatest benefit to retirees and the City; and
WHEREAS, Section 2-1954(h) of the Code of Ordinances prohibits allocations from the unappropriated general fund balance outside of the annual budget process or quarterly budget analysis except in the case of a state of emergency or whenever the allocation is accompanied by a commensurate increase or decrease in revenue in another general fund obligation; NOW, THEREFORE,
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