Approving a development plan in District M1-5 on about 5.437 acres generally located at Stadium Drive and Interstate 435 to allow a 2,000 square foot building addition for a vehicle sales and service use. (CD-CPC-2022-00071).
Section A. That a development plan in District M1-5 (Manufacturing) on about 5.437 acres generally located at Stadium Drive and Interstate 435, and more specifically described as follows:
All of Lot 1, Gunter Subdivision, a subdivision in Kansas City, Jackson County, Missouri, according to the recorded plat thereof.
is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions:
1. The developer shall submit an affidavit, completed by a landscape architect licensed in the State of Missouri, verifying that all required landscaping, including street trees and dumpster and mechanical equipment screening, have been installed in accordance with the approved plans and are healthy prior to a certificate of occupancy.
2. The developer shall submit an affidavit, prepared by an engineer licensed in the State of Missouri, verifying that all outdoor lighting has been installed in accordance with approved plans and that lighting levels do not exceed that shown on the approved lighting plan at the property lines prior to a certificate of occupancy.
4. All dumpsters and mechanical equipment shall be screened and comply with 88-425-08 prior to a certificate of occupancy.
5. The developer shall submit a storm drainage letter for review and approval by the Land Development Division prior to issuance of any building permits.
6. The developer shall demonstrate that the proposed fuel storage tank meets the requirements of IFC (2018) Chapters 23 and 57 prior to a building permit.
7. The developer shall submit a streetscape plan with street tree planting plan per 88-425-03 for approval by the Parks and Recreation Department’s Forestry Division prior to a building permit.
8. The developer shall install missing street trees along Stadium Drive in accordance with 88-425-03-C.
9. The developer shall demonstrate that water and fire service lines should meet current Water Services Department rules and regulations prior to a certificate of occupancy.
10. The developer shall request existing fire and domestic service lines be killed by Kansas City Water prior to a certificate of occupancy.
A copy of said development plan is on file in the office of the City Clerk with this ordinance and is made a part hereof.
Section B. That the Council finds and declares that before taking any action on the proposed amendment hereinabove, all public notices and hearings required by the Zoning Ordinance have been given and had.
I hereby certify that as required by Chapter 88, Code of Ordinances, the foregoing ordinance was duly advertised and public hearings were held.
Secretary, City Plan Commission
Approved as to form and legality:
Sarah Baxter
Senior Associate City Attorney